Rhythmic Robot Audio – NanoMod 10 – Hard (KONTAKT)

By | January 9, 2019


Publisher : Rhythmic Robot Audio
Website : rhythmicrobot
Format : KONTAKT 4.2.3+
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Hard allows the NanoMod architecture to work with hard, metallized, aggressive signals, providing you with a wide selection of powerful lead sounds and angry bass lines. It is ideal for sounds that should confidently cut through the mix.
Wave 1 comes from our modular system and effectively uses the SuperSawtor, generating a bold, oily sawtooth wave, which we used for short rectangular sub-oscillators before passing them both through our Aurora Stinger with a fairly high gain setting. This wave is evil and thick, great for bass and polysynthetic tones.
Wave 2 also passes through Stinger for some saturation, but this time the starting point was a metallized triangular wave combined with a powerful sine-based sub-oscillator. Heavier and sharper than Wave 1, it is ideal for leads and provides many options for applying filters.
Turning off the Warmth knob gives almost clinically clear synthetic tones that can screech and gnash, while playing with filters can suppress the original vibrations to create smoother, lighter sounds and melodies. And as always, the Glitch button instantly gives out random patches the moment you want.



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