Izotope – iDrum 1.7.3 VSTi.RTAS x86 Win

By | July 8, 2016


A virtual drum machine iDrum 1.73 contains a step sequencer with the ability to create patterns and their organization in the song. Efforts are hundreds of sounds and finished patterns can edit sound sets, editing samples, import WAV files and AIFF. Supports sampling rates up to 192 kHz, bit 32-bit MIDI control or a computer keyboard


  • iDrum can have any number of channels.
  • Load any AIFF or WAV file smaller than 2MB.
  • Quickly scroll through the samples in a folder while iDrum plays them back.
  • Quickly jump to any sample in a folder.
  • Drag and drop samples into iDrum’s window to create new channels.
  • ‘Part Presets’ – save channel parts as.cpart files.
  • Full sync when running within Logic and Garageband.
  • Bounce to AIFF — you can save the current pattern as an AIFF… you also have the option to have iDrum bounce *each channel* to a separate AIFF in one go.
  • Save as MIDI — You can export part data as a single MIDI file for more advanced editing in Logic or GarageBand and disengage iDrum’s ‘slave to host’ option to use it as a sample playback instrument. (You can also optionally export in GB-friendly AppleLoops wrapped MIDI).
  • Sample-Accurate clock when bouncing as AIFF or running in Standalone.
  • iDrum files – iDrum saves its state in a file with the.idrum extension — it can optionally store all the samples that are part of the current kit for portability. In addition, it stores all the part and pattern data as well — making an idrum file a kind of insane loop file, with all the original one shots, plus pattern data.
  • Skins – iDrum is fully skinnable via.skin files.
  • Supachunky Swing.



torent magnet

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