UVI – PX SunBox v1.0.0 (UVI Falcon)

By | January 4, 2025


Publisher: UVI
Website: www.uvi.net/en/vintage-synth/px-sunbox.html
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: SunSyn is a fantastically complex work of love from the German JoMoX synthesizer. Released in 1999, it can be thought of in simple terms as an 8-voice polyphonic analog-digital hybrid, or in a more adventurous way as 8 discrete modular monosynthors. Each voice is equipped with 2 true analog generators. The PX SunBox gives you a deep and powerful set of tools for creating and editing patches.

Installation :
A library with the ufs extension can be copied where it is convenient, in the Falcon settings (preferences \ soundbank) add the path to the library.
Copy the license file from the R2R folder with the R2RUVI extension to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R

a UVI Falcon sampler is required to work with the bank

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