Evolution Of Sound – Psytrance Revolution (WAV, MIDI, SERUM, SILENTH1, ABLETON)

By | June 30, 2023


Publisher: Evolution Of Sound
Website: Evolution Of Sound
Quality: 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Pumping basses, acid leads, psychedelic effects and kinetic drums.
Psytrance Revolution is here to give you a Psytrance sound? inspired by Vini Vichy, Astrix, Captain Hook and Soon. Psytrance is a classic genre that has recently started to gain huge popularity and we wanted to let you create your next Psytrance fireworks.
To help you on this journey, we’ve provided a soundbank for Serum and Sylenth1 with sounds made specifically for Psytrance. In these soundbanks, you’ll find bass lines that have been designed to fit together, macro controller effects so you have full control over how to use them, acid leads for a dirty sound, and sequences to help get the idea across.
We’ve also created a sample pack to work with soundbanks to give you everything you need to create Psytrance.
Finally, to finish everything, we have provided 6 Ableton Starter Project files to help you get started. There’s a decent set of Psytrance basses in the project files to look for some ideas so you can combine them and work faster.

Content :
-100 Presets For Serum and 40 Presets For Sylenth1
-Sample Pack containing Drums, Psytrance FX, Drum Fills, Cinematic Drums, and Premade Drum Loops to help you work faster.
– 6 Ableton Starter Project Files You
IMPORTANT: You need the latest version of Serum, Ableton, Camel Crusher, and LFO Tool to get the most out of the project files and presets.

Installation :
SERUM: Copy preset folder to C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Presets
with noises in C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Noises
SYLENTH1: Copy the bank file to C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\Sylenth1 (individual presets in C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\Sylenth1\Presets) or use the loader in the preset browser of the instrument itself.

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