Evolution Of Sound – Hexagon Revolution (MIDI, WAV, SERUM, FLSTUDIO, ABLETON)

By | September 22, 2018


Publisher : Evolution Of Sound
Website : evosounds.com
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Don Diablo’s Hexagon label has been at the forefront of the future house movement and has introduced a new mystical, melodic, and energetic sound.
We fell in love with the sound so much that we decided to study the ins and outs of it to develop the sounds heard in the music.
I’m happy to say that we succeeded in capturing the sound of Don Diablos label Hexagon and more.
We’ve gone above and beyond to create the ultimate Hexagon release.
Hexagon Revolutions captures the sound of Don Diablo, Madison Mars, King Arthur, Zoderling, and many more through a Sylenth1 Soundbank, Serum Soundbank, Ableton / FL Studio Project Files, and a sample package.

-110 Presets, 23 Wavetables, and 35 Noises For Serum
– 40 Presets For Sylenth1
– A Sample Pack containing all necessary to create your own Hexagon Style Tracks
-4 Project Files for Both Ableton and FLSTUDIO

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