Ample Sound – AME II 2.5.1 (STANDALONE, VST, RTAS, AAX, AU) [Mac OSX]

By | June 24, 2018


Year of manufacture : 2017
Version : 2.5.1
Developer : Ample Sound
Developer’s website : Ample Sound
Platform : iNTEL
Language : English
Tablet : Keigen (requires a Windows emulator)
System requirements : Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, Intel-based Mac with 2 GB RAM.

Description : Ample Sound – AME2 (Ample Metal Eclipse II) – recreates the sound of the ESP Eclipse guitar. This is the first tool in the Ample Metal series. Presented are 8 articulations, including Sustain, Palm Mute, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out. The guitar plays in a lowered frame (CGCFAD), the most commonly used for heavy music. A standard system is also available.

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Activate step-by-step :
1. Install the plug-in.
2. Start it and click on the red inscription ” You need an internet connection for trial “:
3. In the Activation Manager window that appears, click on the ” Activate ” button.
4. Then click on the ” Offline ” tab.
Copy the ” Challenge code
5. Start keygen, select the product to activate from the list (be careful !!!), insert the copied Challenge code in the ” Challenge code ” field (1) and click on the ” GENERATE ” (2) button. The key code (3) will appear in the ” KeyCode ” field:
6. In keygen, copy ” UserID ” (1) and ” KeyCode ” (2) and paste them into the appropriate fields (with the same names) in the plug-in activation manager and click on the ” Activate ” button:
Activation was successful . You need to restart the plugin.

One thought on “Ample Sound – AME II 2.5.1 (STANDALONE, VST, RTAS, AAX, AU) [Mac OSX]

  1. Edward

    Please upload ample hellrazer 3 and eclipse metal v 3


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