8Dio – Free Angels (KONTAKT)

By | January 9, 2016


8Dio has announced “Free Angels“, a new sample library for Kontakt, and invites you to be a part of its creation.

8Dio has created what they describe as “the most heavenly sounds imaginable” and invites you to participate in adding to the collection. All they are asking is that you create 5 sounds for the collection and you will receive the entire library for free. 8Dio will process, edit, program, design and distribute the entire collection. In addition 8Dio will contribute with 50{83c93de8c9bf92b09b526c8ece7da73c325d55368c444eba1a4531e14f6c453a} of the library materials to ensure the absolute best quality.

The only guideline is to record/produce the 5 most beautiful sounds you can. It can be anything from gorgeous pads made with your guitar to the sound of kids playing on a playground, ethereal vocal textures to birds in the forest. Whatever is beautiful to you.

Free Angels is the second library using this model – following the popular Free Radicals, which was about creating the darkest sounds possible.

8Dio has also announced the formation of a new company, V8P, an exclusive sample line designed for professional composers. V8P have also released a teaser trailer for their first product, 8W (The Eighth Wonder), which they say contains the largest symphony orchestra ever sampled with over 100 string, 60 brass and 20 percussionists.


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