ZapZorn – Composer Tools: ZapZorn Elements 1.1 (KONTAKT)

By | March 15, 2024


Publisher: ZapZorn
Quality: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo

Description: A collection of sounds extracted from glass, metal, plastic and wooden objects. ZapZorn Elements Sounds Amazingly Unique
Out of the gate, Elements comes with 40 menus in 5 categories to build your sounds with. Each menu has 24 different sounds to mix and match to make your creations. The categories are Glass, Metal, Plastic, Wood and Hybrid (which has all of the previous 4 mixed together). Each category has 8 different menu patches – Clean, Overtone, Percussive, 4 generic and a Best of patch to give the user endless possibilities of combinations. The menus help make up the more than 160 patches that come ready to use. Also, Elements takes those patches and along custom patches to make over 30 multis. The ready to use sounds are tonal, playable and useful. You can create music or sound effects, percussion or melody, driving rhythm and ambient pads. It’s all there.

ZapZorn Elements is Flexible
Multi-layered sound design tool powered by Kontakt
ARP Automation
24 Group Automatable Mixer
9 Automatic Trigger Effects
Custom Convolution Reverb
Requirements: Kontakt 5

Content :
ZapZorn Elements Sounds Amazingly Unique
Glass. Metal. Plastic. Wood.
Over 100 real-world objects (click here for the list of objects)
Over 400 sampling performances
Nearly 4,000 multi-velocity samples

Elements sound set comes from over 100 tonal objects made from glass, metal, plastic, and wood sampled in over 400 performances (like stuck, plucked, hand hit, etc. – non-looping hit based samples) to give the 1.9 Gb library nearly 4000 multi-velocity samples in 96k/24bit resolution.
ZapZorn Elements is Useful

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