Xfer Records – Serum 1.214 + SerumFX 1.214 + Keygen (VSTi, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | December 28, 2018

Year / release date : 08/30/2017
Version : 1.214
Developer : Xfer Records
Developer website : www.xferrecords.com
Format : VSTi, AAX
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System Requirements :
CPU with SSE2
Windows 7 SP1 or greater
VST2.4, AU or AAX compatible host software.


A dream synthesizer does not seem to exist: a wave-like synthesizer with truly high-quality sound, a workflow-oriented visual and creative interface to make creating and changing sounds fun, not tedious, and the ability to “go deep” at will — to create / import / edit / morphing wavetables and manipulate them when playing in real time.
Serum has a built-in Wavetable editor that can create your own wavetables in various ways. Import audio directly from audio files. Serum has many methods and options for analyzing sound to break it down into separate signals. Of course, you can import single-cylinder wavetables, as well as many at once (with built-in sorting options or manual reordering). Morph between different wavetables using standard linear interpolation (crossfading) or using harmonic / spectral morphing. Draw directly on the waveform, with an optional snap to the grid and various shape tools. Generate or modify waveforms using FFT (additive). Create or process waveforms using formula functions. Processing menu options allow you to perform other tasks that you need, such as damping, crossfading, normalizing, exporting, and more.
ULTRA CLEAN Oscillators
Reproducing wavetables requires digital resampling to reproduce different frequencies. Without much caution and a lot of crunches, this process will create audible artifacts. Artifacts mean that you (perhaps unconsciously) overwhelm your mix with unwanted tones / frequencies. Many popular wavetable synthesizers are strikingly poor in suppressing artifacts — even with high-quality tuning, some create artifacts from -36 dB to -60 dB (the level difference between fundamental artifacts), which are clearly audible, and, in addition, the highest required sound frequencies often fade away in the process to try to suppress this unwanted sound. In the serum, the reproducible generation (by default) of oscillators works with ultra-high re-sampling accuracy, which gives a surprisingly inaudible signal-to-noise (for example, -150 dB on a saw-chute reproduced at 1 kHz at 44100)! This requires a lot of computation, so the Serum oscillator playback was aggressively optimized using the SSE2 instructions to ensure this high-quality playback without paying taxes on your processor more than the usual (decent quality) software synthesizer already does. Download the serum, and we think that you can notice both what you hear (hard high frequencies extending down to the ears), and what you do not hear (no unwanted dirt or gibberish – just a good, clear sound ).
The modulation system allows you to drag and drop connections between mod sources and destinations. Want the LFO to control the filter cut-off? Simply drag the LFO header into the cut-off knob. This LFO-> Filter connection will now appear in the Matrix mod. In other words, you have two approaches / views for creating and modifying your modulations: sometimes the list is good, in other cases you just want the work to be done quickly and easily.
In addition to navigating through multiple wavetables (up to 256 make one generator), you can manipulate the waveform itself in a separate real-time process called Warp. This allows you to synchronize FM / AM / RM / Oscillator Sync and many other ways to change the waveform, including the “Remap” modes – a graph editor for drawing your own custom table manipulations.
Serum includes all types of filters found in LFOTool, in addition to some completely new ones. Flangers, Phasers and Comb, all of which can track the musical note that you play. Dual filter types allow you to control or change filter types. Get creative with atypical processes for filters, such as downsampling, or unique types of filters that have been found anywhere else, such as foul-sounding French LPF.
The effects rack with 10 spectacular modules allows you to fully reproduce the sound to the finish line inside the serum. Effects can be reordered in any configuration. Almost all effect parameters are also available as modulation destinations. This is especially useful for monophonic synthesis sounds. For example, use the LFO to control the reverb size either dry / wet or speed to control the amount of distortion. Many of these effects and modes were created only for serum, so there are many unique effects to choose from, such as Hyper, that mimic (additional) unison quantities or a double wave that allows you to distort, you can morph between two separate waveforms.
The serum will allow you to fold one generator to use up to 16 votes. Each of the wavetable oscillators has several unison extended parameters. Stack settings allow you to mark (for example, an octave) layers to get a more complete sound for one click. Set single voices for all who have a unique waveform immediately with the Unison WT Pos setting, or they are all mixed up differently with the Unison Warp control. A variety of unison tuning modes for each generator allow you to get the sound of the stack, blooming or boiling as you want.

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