Wavesfactory – W-FabBass (KONTAKT, WAV)

By | December 18, 2016

Realistic sampled bass, namely an old Hofner Bass (also known as the Violin Bass). This bass on which Paul McCartney played his entire life. The instrument was sampled without amplifiers or cabinets. 4 position of articulation (Key-switches): dim (Paul played most of their songs), Sustain, glissando upwards glissando down. 4 dynamic layer 2 round robins.

We sampled a Hofner Bass for NI Kontakt (also known as Violin Bass). This is the bass that Paul Mccartney has played through all his life. When you play it you get instant beatlesque sound. We recorded 4 velocity layers and 2 round robins, and added a velocity crossfade to gain realism.

This instrument was recorded with a pick, without passing through any amp or cabinet (Direct Input DI) and premium converters.

There are 4 articulations selectable by Key-switches:
• Muted (Paul played muted in a lot of songs).
• Sustain.
• Glissando UP.
• Glissando DOWN.

You also get fret noises, pick noises, pluck noises and release notes. With our custom GUI (rendered in 3D) you can control the overall volume, the release volume, the pluck volume and we added a cabinet simulator with a switch to turn it on or turn it off.
• Hofner Bass.
• Instant vintage sound.
• WAV files 44.1 kHz 24 bits.
• Premium A / D converters.
• Direct Input.
• 4 velocities, 2 round robin.
• 4 articulations.
• Custom script and GUI.
• Cabinet simulator.


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