UVI – Augmented Piano (UVI Falcon)

By | January 3, 2025


Publisher: UVI
Website: www.uvi.net/en/pianos-keyboards/augmented-piano.html#overview
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Augmented Piano – which is different from a regular piano. The beauty of this piano lies in the complete opposite of the traditional piano tone. It is an instrument in which the sound of the piano was altered by placing objects between or on strings, or playing the strings without using a hammer in the piano. The 1909 Pleyel was played with a bow chosen as a guitar. with the Una Corda pedal depressed, screws inserted between the strings or by pinching with your fingers. There are 24 different ways to record this piano in a total of 24 unusual ways, an inspiring set of sounds that range from beautifully recorded traditional piano to new, eclectic and avant-garde voices ready to breathe life into your music, taking the piano sound further. In short, you have access to a phenomenal range of piano effects and atmospheric sounds.

Installation :
A library with the ufs extension can be copied where it is convenient, in the Falcon settings (preferences \ soundbank) add the path to the library.
Copy the license file from the R2R folder with the R2RUVI extension to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R

a UVI Falcon sampler is required to work with the bank

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