uJAM – beatMaker DOPE 1.0.0 Incl.Patched.And.Keygen-R2R + Library (VSTi, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | September 22, 2018


Year / Release Date : 07/25/2018
Version : 1.0.0
Developer : uJAM
Developer’s site : href.li
Format : VSTi
Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
Tablet: there is R2R
System requirements : Windows 7 or newer, 4 GB of RAM Up to 150 MB of disk space 1280×768 px Display Internet connection

Description : Mud keeps a living creature
Think of Beatmaker Dope as your friend who works at a local record store, and has worked classic recordings over the past 20 years to create real drums that you could ask for, but it’s also great for mixing.
Special control: Vinyl Drive
Vinyl Drive mimics the noise and compression of the retro player to add that the retro dirt and bump we all love so much.
How raw, how it happens!
Beatmaker Dope offers a set of elaborate drum kits and loads of appropriate grooves, integrated with professional mixing tools, ready whenever you need genre-authentic, gorgeous rhythms. Drum kits are professionally layered, compiled and mixed, but still with enough space for your own creativity and to give it your signature sound.

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. Virtual producer of rhythms for street trust
.Hip Hop, Boom Bap and rap tracks
.30 styles, 690 patterns (input, verse, chorus, filling, finale)
.Custom FX algorithms: Sweep, Ambience, Vinyl Drive
. A powerful mixing console under the hood
. with 6 presets of intelligent mixes
.5 drum sets


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