u-he – Zebra2 v2.9.2.10409 (VSTi, VSTi3, AAX, AUi) [WIN.OSX x86 x64]

By | March 16, 2025


Year / Release Date: 10/15/2020
Version: 2 v2.9.2.10409
Developer: u-he
Developer site: u-he
Format: VSTi, VSTi3, AAX, AUi
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka: present
System requirements: Multicore CPU with SSE2
Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10 | Mac OS X 10.9+
1GB RAM, more recommended
60MB free disc space
display 1000x600px and up

Description: A powerful modular synthesizer combining various types of synthesis with powerful modulation mechanisms. With this tool, you can create any waveform you like, apply a wide range of spectral effects to it, or filter it through the available filters. The possibilities are virtually endless, it’s like a playground for sound engineers only. Computer Music magazine nominated 10 best VST-Synthesizers in 2011, of which Zebra 2 took the honorable first place!

New in version:
Zebra 2.9.2 (revision 10409)
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed unresponsive parameters on Perform page (DotEight skin only)
October 13, 2020
Zebra 2.9.2 (revision 10374)
Big sur compatibility
Soundset installer support
Browser: Bank name feature added
Browser: Alternative search method using wildcards
Reveal in Finder / Explorer behavior improved
Full-size editors: Grid background graphics are back
Fixed Bugs:
Browser: Numerous fixes and improvements
Loading presets during scan: Issue fixed (Windows only)
Minor GUI fixes / tweaks
Known Issues:
MSEG fill gradient graphics glitch (Windows only)
Context menus need plugin focus to work (macOS issue)
Crash when trying to load script presets (e.g. Randomizer)
January 27, 2020
Zebra 2.9.1 (revision 9709)
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed an issue with dialogs appearing transparent in Cubase 10.5 and Logic
Fixed an issue with symlinks and preset folder permissions
Fixed an issue with convert to H2P only working for a single preset
Fixed an issue with the preset search field being white in old skins
Fixed an issue with the DotEight preferences graphics
Known Issues:
MSEG graphics glitch in the fill gradient (Windows only)
Crash when trying to load script presets (e.g. Randomizer)
Context menus need plugin focus to work (Apple issue)

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