Togu Audio Line – TAL-U-NO-LX 3.2.1 (VSTi, AAX, AU) [WIN.OSX x86 x64]

By | January 27, 2019



Year / Release Date : 11.2018
Version : 3.2.1
Developer : Togu Audio Line
Developer site : Tal-software
Format : VSTi, AAX, AU
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows: Windows XP or higher (32/64 bit)
OSX: OSX 10.6 or higher (32/64 bit).
AAX: Pro Tools 10.3.6 or higher

Description : Togu Audio Line – TAL-U-NO-LX – software emulation of the popular hardware synthesizer with a new sound engine and graphical interface. Modern zero-delay filters and carefully calibrated knobs make this synthesizer a great replacement for analog devices, and provide all the benefits of software.
In addition, TAL-U-NO-LX supports portamento and has various waveforms of the LFO filter, and some other useful features. An arpeggiator with different synchronization modes and a hold function is also present. Very fast envelopes with smooth decay and error emulation give the synthesizer a distinctive sound.
Togu Audio Line – TAL-U-NO-LX Specifications:
Self resonating zero filter delay (24dB LP).
FILTER up to ~ 40 kHz (depending on the sampling frequency).
Calibrated and configured after Togu Audio Line hardware devices.
MIDI reading / automation for all controllers.
Improved free oscillator pseudonym for genuine sound also with 44’100Hz sampling rate.
Arpeggiator with different synchronization modes (host, midi clock, not on).
Portamento and mono mode.
LFO button manual start.
Sustain pedal support.
Up to 12 votes.
New file based preset system for transparent preset management.
More than 300 presets from various sound designers (FMR, Particular – Sound, TAL).
Original “Factory Bank A” equipment is included.

Change history:

VST3 plug-in format added (v 3.2.0)
Framework update. Better support for windows high resolution screens (v 3.2.0)
Automation not working in ableton live fixed (Audio Unit) (v 3.1.3)
Popup menu width fixed (v 3.1.2)
Framework update and fixes (v 3.1.1)
Arpeggiator tempo wrong after loading host project fixed (v 3.1.0)
Arpeggiator sync modes fixed (v 3.0.9)
Where the VCA was not loaded correctly (v3.0.6)
Positive envelope for startup preset (v3.0.5)
Fixes init patch issues with voices and volume (v3.0.4)
UI enabled chorus not working when loading daw project or changing sample rate fixed (v3.0.3)
There is a bug in some edge cases (v3.0.1)
Improved parameter handling (v 3.0.0)

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