Togu Audio Line – TAL-Mod 1.1.9 (VSTi, AAX, AU) [WIN.OSX x86 x64]

By | October 15, 2018


Year / Release Date : 09.2018
Version : 1.1.9
Developer : Togu Audio Line
Developer Website : tal-Software
Format : VSTi, AAX, AU
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows: Windows XP or higher (32/64 bit)
OSX: OSX 10.7 or higher (32/64 bit).
AAX: Pro Tools 10.3.6 or higher

Description : TAL-Mod is a virtual analog synthesizer with exceptional sound and almost unlimited modulation capabilities. His special oscillator model is capable of creating a wide range of sounds: from classical mono to stereo leads, effects and pads.
Routing can be performed using virtual cables. Simply connect the output signal for modulation. You can then adjust the modulation intensity. You do not need to be an expert. The plugin is suitable for beginners and experts!

Special features

3 oscillators with optional saw, pulse, triangle and sine waveforms.
1 additional noise oscillator with adjustable color.
2 high quality analog sounding filters (LP, HP, Notch, All Pass, BP).
Different filtering possiblities (parallel and serial). With the possiblity to choose the oscillator sources.
Full stereo signal path.
FM / RingMode support.
2 oscillators support hard sync for saw, pulse, triangle waveforms.
For stereo sound and sound effectors for I and osc II.
2 lfo’s with different waveforms, sync, trigger, unipolar modes.
3 adsr’s.
Modulation envelope with spline or optional step mode. Trigger and host sync mode.
Almost unlimited modulation possibilities with patch cable routing.
Optional sequencer or arpeggiator.
Basic effects: high pass filter, chorus, eq, reverb and delay.
Mono and polyphonic mode.
Microtuning support.
Resizable UI.
You choose your favorite UI colors.
And a lot more …

Change history:

Framework update and bug fixes (v 1.1.8)
Improved more natural volume PAN (v 1.1.7)
LFO SLEW added for smooth transitions (SH, SAW, Rectangle) (v 1.1.7)
Improved ADSR scaling (v 1.1.6)
Minor bug fixes (v 1.1.5)
Improved ADSR range (v 1.1.5)
Velocity intensity knob with different scalings added (v 1.1.4)
Delay time automation fixed (v 1.1.3)
Step Sequencer with velocity zero fixed (v 1.1.2)
Velocity at zero disables velocities for portamento free legato mode (v 1.1.2)
OSC 3 sine hard sync trigger fixed (v 1.1.1)
Arpeggiator modes UP and DOWN added (v 1.1.1)
Delete routings in patching dialogs added (v 1.0.1)
New factory presets (v 1.0.1)
Improved envelopes -> Attack & Decay (v 1.0.1)

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