Togu Audio Line – TAL-Mod 1.1.4 (VSTi, AAX, AU) [WIN.OSX x86 x64]

By | July 22, 2018


Year / Date of Issue : 06.2018
Version : 1.1.4
Developer : Togu Audio Line
Developer’s site : tal-Software
Format : VSTi, AAX, AU
Bit depth : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows: Windows XP or higher (32/64 bit)
OSX: OSX 10.7 or higher (32/64 bit).
AAX: Pro Tools 10.3.6 or higher

Description : TAL-Mod is a virtual analog synthesizer with exceptional sound and virtually unlimited modulation capabilities. Its special oscillator model can create a wide range of sounds: from classic monophonic to stereo loudspeakers, effects and pads.
Routing can be done using virtual cables. Simply connect the output signal for modulation purposes. After that, you can adjust the intensity of the modulation. You do not need to be an expert. The plugin is suitable for beginners and experts!


3 oscillators with optional saw, pulse, triangle and sine waveforms.
1 additional noise oscillator with adjustable color.
2 high quality analog sounding resonance filters with different modes (LP, HP, Notch, All Pass, BP).
Different filter routing possiblities (parallel and serial). With the possiblity to choose the oscillator sources.
Full stereo signal path.
FM / RingMode support.
2 oscillators support hard sync for saw, pulse, triangle waveforms.
Create stereo sounds and rich harmonics with additional oscillators (up to 7 sound generators per oscillator for osc I and osc II).
2 lfo’s with different waveforms, sync, trigger, unipolar modes and the possibility to modulate the rate.
3 adsr’s.
Modulation envelope with spline or optional step mode. Trigger and host sync mode.
Almost unlimited modulation possibilities with patch cable routing.
Optional sequencer or arpeggiator.
Basic effects: high pass filter, chorus, eq, reverb and delay.
Mono and polyphonic mode.
Microtuning support.
Resizable UI.
You choose your favorite UI colors.
And a lot more …

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History of changes:

Velocity intensity knob with different scalings added (v 1.1.4)
Delay time automation fixed (v 1.1.3)
Step Sequencer with velocity zero fixed (v 1.1.2)
Velocity at zero disables velocity for portamento free legato mode (v 1.1.2)
OSC 3 sine hard sync trigger fixed (v 1.1.1)
Arpeggiator modes UP and DOWN added (v 1.1.1)
Delete routings in patching dialogs added (v 1.0.1)
New factory presets (v 1.0.1)
Improved envelopes -> Attack & Decay (v 1.0.1)
Arp / Seq tempo bug fixed (v 1.0.8)
Better UI performance (v 1.0.7)
CPU spikes on Windows fixed (v 1.0.7)
Microtuning fix (v 1.0.7)
Decay shape knob added (v 1.0.6)
Bug fixes (v 1.0.6)
Key-stealing – optional analoge type mode (v 1.0.5)
Bug fixes (v 1.0.5)
Fixes a bug where the voice is active (v 1.0.4)
No voice stealing when free voices are available and playing the same note again (v 1.0.3)
UI ADSR sliders width increased (v 1.0.3)
Mod envelope view when disable UNIPOLAR fixed (v 1.0.3)
ADSR release improved -> CPU (v 1.0.3)
Note skipping under some conditions fixed (v 1.0.3)
More factory presets (v 1.0.2)
Bug fixes (v 1.0.2)
Different and cleaner note stealing (v 1.0.2)
Keyboard tracking added (v 1.0.2)
ADSR slider behavior optimized (v 1.0.2)
Another ADSR added (v 1.0.2)
Smoother ADSR release (v 1.0.2)
MIDI timing issue fixed (v 1.0.1)
Bug when releasing in mono (1 voice) mode fixed (v 1.0.1)
Lock feature fixed (v 1.0.0)

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