The Unfinished – Zebra Gravastar Dark Edition (SYNTH PRESET)

By | July 6, 2018


Publisher : The Unfinished
Website : The Unfinished

Description : Zebra Gravastar: Dark Edition is a collection of 360 sounds for Zebra2 and ZebraHZ synthesizers, designed for kinetic music with a gloomy organic bias.
The bulk of this soundtrack was originally designed for composer Jason Graves for his terrific essay for Far Cry from Ubisoft: Primal. A brief description of Jason’s project was quite simple: “Imagine the synthesizers on which cavemen play.”
So, Gravastar focuses on non-traditional synthetic sounds inspired by the more natural sound material: wood, glass, stone, dirt, noise, distortion, resonance, light and fire.
The headset of sounds is full of deep rhythms, shadow pulses and ethnic loops, as well as ghost textures, tectonic basses and fluorescent pads. These sounds are alive and breathing; grow and develop.
In this collection, special attention is paid to the FM / noise oscillators, their comb filters and extended waveform parameters.
“I can not think of anyone who will bring life to all my favorite software synthesizers more than Matt. So when I needed organic, original soundscapes for Far Cry: Primal, he was the first person I called. And he did not disappoint. Most of my “use” of these sounds was to hold one key for 30 seconds and I just opened my mouth – that was exactly what I needed. And, more importantly, Ubisoft also liked it.
So, here’s your chance to breathe into your project a bit of gloomy, organic, primary sound from one of my favorite software synthesizers. There’s a reason why I buy all of Matt’s releases without even listening to the demo. It’s enough just to put it – it’s the best! Hands up! No discussion!



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