SzcZ – Orchestra Enigmatica v1.02 (KONTAKT)

By | February 12, 2019


Publisher : SzcZ
Website : waveforms
Format : KONTAKT
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Orchestra Enigmatica is an instrument based on samples of the 1979 vintage analog orchestral synthesizer Siel Orchestra (first version). There are a few additional voices created using the 1984 Six-Track sequential scheme.
REQUIREMENTS: full version of Kontakt 5.6.6 or newer.

Additional Information

The instrument has 16 voices, which can be processed separately by adding filters. The samples are fairly detailed to preserve quirks of an aging synthesizer. Sustained sounds have been looped by hand, without a trace to the original vibe.
The Orchestra Enigmatica comes with a multi-arp function, an advanced arpeggiator, which can simultaneously pop from one single chord. Arpeggios can be transposed at different rates.
Additionally each arpeggio has its own velocity and pitch sequence. Arpeggios can be run in parallel or can be sequenced, as in “x steps of arp 1, y steps of arp 2”.
Arpeggiator programs can be saved to a keyswitch and recalled while the sequencer is playing. You can also play with the other hand.
Orchestra Enigmatica is a vintage orchestral synthesizer instrument of traditional acoustic instruments.
This is a kind of positive enthusiastic approach.
However, it’s not a problem.
“Orchestra” stands for a couple of exhibits. The instrument features unique
multi-arpeggiator function. There are several chord patterns that can be run at different rates.
different algorithms. This is a complex chord.
Orchestra Enigmatica Multi-arpeggiator, it’s not really complicated. It just offers a lot of options. There are several ways to run from one single chord.
There are 8 arpeggiators which can be stacked (play simultaneously) or queued (play a number of steps one after another). It can be used to play the melody using the keyboard. It is a blue sky.
Each arp has “OFF” option as a mode of operation. When all arps are played, the whole key range can be played normally. You can also turn the whole engine on / off without disabling arps one by one, using the arp on / off switch.
Normally when you are in the region only the arpeggio can be heard. However, when you turn on the “thru” switch. You can use it to keep track of the sounds on / off while holding a chord.
There is a multi-configuration configuration, which can be used to complete the project. The browser offers 300 memory slots for you.
Browser presets are stored in the “presets” folder, which should be located in the “presets” folder. If “presets” folder is missing, the browser won’t work. Browser presets are loaded from nka files. Unlike loading “keys” preset, presets stored externally do not load “instantly”, Browser preset can also be loaded as the sequencer is running.
You can find more convenient.
It can be used to control another VST or hardware instrument. If you would like to use it, make sure to enable MIDI messages. Open Kontakt’s “options” and “under the control panel”, “send MIDI to the outside world”, “script generated notes” should be selected in the drop-down menu. Also it is possible to disable the “diverge” function in the multi-arp “options” panel.
Kontakt MIDI output is a single channel. If you want to export a multi-channel artifact, it’s possible to use a MIDI recorder. Recorder is using Kontakt’s availability to export midi clips by drag’n’drop. It can be used to record the performance of the recordings.

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