Studio Silva – Drag and Drop Chords and Scales (MIDI)

By | November 9, 2023


Publisher: Studio Silva
Format: MIDI
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Library of midi “cheat sheets” for chords.

Content :
Each key includes all of the following scales and modes: Aeolian, Chromatic, Dorian, Harmonic, Locrian, Lydian, Major, Melodic Major Asc, Melodic Minor Desc, Mixolydian, Blues, Pentatonic Major, Pentatonic Minor, Pentatonic Neutral, Phrygian, and Whole Tone.
A massive total of 635 MIDI loops are included!

Additional Information :
Drag & Drop Chord & Scales from Studio Silva is a revolutionary new way to create your tracks.
Studio Silva have created all the chords you will ever need and as a bonus they have added all the scales and modes!Every key is covered and every scale for the key is covered.

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