Steinberg – Cubase Artist v8.0.40 [Win x64]

By | December 15, 2018


Year / Release Date : 10/19/2018
Version : 8.0.40
Developer : Steinberg
Developer website : Steinberg
Digit capacity : 64bit
Interface language : English + Russian
Tabletka : not required
System requirements : Windows 7/8/10
64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor (Intel i5 or faster recommended)
4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
12 GB free HD space
1366 x 768 display resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended)
Graphics card with DirectX 10 and WDDM 1.1 support (Windows only)

Description : Steinberg Cubase Artist offers everything you need to develop your songs and production from scratch. Optimized recording and voice editing tools, inspiring features of components, great virtual tools, FX, amplifiers and much more – Cubase Artist offers many opportunities for beginning artists seeking its equal in price and quality.


Install Cubase Elements 8 trial
0. Install Elicenser control center if it has not been installed already from elicenser site
1. Install ( Cubase Elements 8 trial from Start Center only
– Works 30 days this way
– To erase all licenses in Soft-Elicenser and reinstall Cubase Elements 8 trial:
2. After 30 days uninstall Elicense control center, uninstall Elements 8, delete C: ProgramData Syncrosoft SeLicenser.sel, restart computer
3. Install again ELement 8 trial from Start Center only after restart computer
4. repeat 2 and 3 after 30 days
– there are ways to get unlimited trial license
Install Artist:
1. Install Cubase 8.0 64-bit from the Start Center in Cubase 8.0 for example from Steinberg Cubase 8.0 site or elsewhere.
2. Update Cubase to 8.0.40 with updater from Cubase 8.0 site
3. Delete Cubase 8 VST3 folder
4. Delete Cubase 8 VSTPlugins folder
5. Replace and copy files to C: Program Files Steinberg Cubase 8 files in Cubase Elements 8.
6. Disconnect possible Steinberg USB-Elicenser if it contains Cubase trials / licenses. Soft-Elicensers work normally.
7. Start Cubase 8 and select Cubase Artist
8. Disable steinberg hub in preferences / general
Install the trial version of Cubase Elements 8:
0. Install the “Elicenser control center” – if it is not yet available of course. We take this from the distribution.
1. Install ( the trial version of “Cubase Elements 8” from under the “Start Center”.
– This homunculus will work only for 30 days!
– How to remove all licenses in “Soft-Elicenser” and reinstall the trial version of “Cubase Elements 8”:
2. After 30 days, we again delete the “Elicenser control center”, “Cubase Elements 8”, and demolish this file “C: ProgramData Syncrosoft SeLicenser.sel”, and restart the computer.
3. Again, install the trial version of “Cubase Elements 8” from the “Elicenser control center” only after restarting the computer
4. Every 30 days! we repeat points 2 and 3
– There are other ways to get an unlimited trial license.

How to install Cubase Artist 8.0.40:
0. If the “Elicenser control center” is not already installed, then install it from the developer’s site (or any other source).
1. Next, we put Cubase 8.0 64-bit from under the “Start Center” – even though from Cubase 8.0 ISO, at least unpacked from a zip archive. You can download the archive from the official site (but from any other source is also possible).
2. We update Cubase to version 8.0.40 by downloading an update from the official site (or any other source).
3. Delete everything from the folder: “Cubase 8 VST3”
4. Delete everything from the folder: “Cubase 8 VSTPlugins”
5. Copy and replace files from “Cubase Elements 8” in “C: Program Files Steinberg Cubase 8”
6. Copy the file called “Cubase8.exe with replacement from the folder” Cubase 8 “in” C: Program Files Steinberg Cubase 8 “
7. Launch Cubase 8 and select “Cubase Artist”
8. Disable “steinberg hub” in “preferences / general”
9. Reboot.
The perfect way to install Cubase Artist 8.0.40:
1. Copy the file called “Cubase8.exe with replacement from the folder” Cubase 8 “in” C: Program Files Steinberg Cubase LE AI Elements 8 “with the already installed” Cubase.Elements.8.0.40.eXtender.rev4- VR “.
2. Reboot.

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