Splice – Beatmaker 1.0.0 (VSTi, VSTi3, AUi) [OSX]

By | February 2, 2025


Year of release: 07.2021
Version: 1.0.0
Developer: Splice
Developer site: splice
Platform: Intel only
Interface language: English
Tablet: cured (put and work) | FLARE
System requirements: VST, AU compatible host

Description: When it comes to drums, the importance of “feeling” cannot be overemphasized. Whether it’s a rhythmic beat or a low-key jazz beat, drums often serve as the foundation that unites our music. For this reason, we want the beats we hear to feel right and flow naturally through us, like something we feel both internally and instinctively.
When it comes to making music, it’s important that this seamless experience of rhythms extends beyond our listening experience and into our production process – we want to be able to quickly act according to our immediate creative instincts without hindrances or clumsy workflows getting in the way.
The new Splice beatmaker gives us the ability to do just that. Built for creative efficiency, Beatmaker lets you create grooves and define your sound in minutes. In this article, we’ll explore how to get the most out of the plugin to create your best beats.

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