Sonus Paradisi – St. Michel en Thiérache (HAUPTWERK)

By | September 25, 2024


Publisher : Sonus Paradisi
Website : Sonus Paradisi
Quality : 16 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : Sample library for the Hauptwerk organ emulator
The organ was restored to its original condition in the seventies in the workshop of Herpfer and Hermann; the ceremonial opening of the newly restored instrument took place on September 24, 1983 by André Izouart. The arrangement is identical to the instrument of 1714, and the pitch has been preserved (approximately one tone lower than today). Since 1990, the organ builder Georg Westenfelder has been responsible for the maintenance of the instrument.
The organ has 4 manuals, a block pedal, the second (main) manual is permanently copied to the pedal.

Disposition :
(The foot registers are not indicated in the sample)
Reed registers are highlighted in red

Positif (I man)
Bourdon 8′
Flúte allemande 8′
Montre 4′
Nasard 3′
Doublette 2′
Tierce 1 3/5′
Larigot 1 1/3′
Fourniture III
Cymbale II
Cromorne 8′

Grand Orgue (II man)
Bourdon 16′
Montre 8′
Bourdon 8′
Prestant 4′
Fluste 4′
Quinte 3′
Doublette 2′
Quarte de nasard 2′
Tierce 1 3/5′
Fourniture IV
Cymbale III
Grand Cornet V
Trompette 8′
Voix humaine 8′
Clairon 4′
Recite (3rd man)
Cornet V
Echo (IV man)
Cornet V

Flute 8′
Flute 4′
Trompette 8′
Clairon 4′
The total number of sounding registers is 31 pieces.

Additional information :

Full quality download: To start the organ, you need to turn off the front version of the Voix humanie register (the one without the inscription)

To install, you need to move the OrganDefinitions and OrganInstallationPackages folders to the Hauptwerk/HauptwerkSampleSetsAndComponents folder , confirming the merging of the folders, or manually move the contents of the folders to the specified locations.

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