Sonus Paradisi – Rotterdam Laurenskerk Hoofdorgel Surround – 2 PART (HAUPTWERK)

By | November 26, 2024


Publisher : Sonus Paradisi
Website : Sonus Paradisi
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : Sample library for the Hauptwerk organ emulator
The organ is located in the St. Lawrence Church in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The church was founded in 1525. Four hundred years later, during the war, the church was bombed by Germany, and as a result, almost the entire building was burned down, only some walls and one tower remained. Restoration took place from 1947 to 1968.

Initially, the church had a large three-manual instrument by master Hans Holtfuss, which was built in 1644. Later, in 1790, it was decided to replace the instrument with a new one.
The work on installing the organ was not completed, and in 1828 a group of Dutch organ builders successively completed the instrument.
In 1845, master Betz expanded the instrument to 72 registers. However, this instrument was still destroyed during the war.
The organ currently in the church was built by the organ building firm Marcussen & Son in 1973. It was a completely different, new instrument, and the façade design was by the architect J. W. Bezemer.
The instrument has 4 manuals, 85 sounding registers (including 6 Chamade registers), mechanical playing and register tract, has a channel for 3 manuals. Due to its extensive disposition, the instrument is suitable for playing almost any music.

Disposition :
The reed registers in the arrangement are highlighted in red.

Rugwerk (I man.)
Quintadeen 16′
Praestant 8′
Holpijp 8′
Quintadeen 8′
Octaaf 4′
Roerfluit 4′
Quint 2 2/3′
Octaaf 2′
Woudfluit 2′
Sifflet 1 1/3′
Sesquialter 2-4 st.
Mixtuur 6-8 st.
Scherp 4-6 st.
Dulciaan 16′
Trompet 8′
Kromhoorn 8′

Hoofdwerk (II man.)
Praestant 16′
Octaaf 8′
Open fluit 8′
Quint 5 1/3′
Octaaf 4′
Spitsfluit 4′
Octaaf 2′
Ruispijp 3-4 st.
Mixtuur 8-10 st.
Scherp 6-8 st.
Cornet 5 st.
Trompet 16′
Trompet 8′

Bovenwerk (3rd man.)
Gedekt 16′
Praestant 8′
Baarpijp 8′
Roerfluit 8′
Viola di Gamba 8′
Viola di Gamba 8′ (beating)
Octaaf 4′
Open fluit 4′
Terts 3 1/5′
Roerquint 2 2/3′
Nachthoorn 2′
Terts 1 3 /5′
Mixtuur 5-7 st.
Cimbel 3 st.
Bombarde 16
Trompette 8′
Voix humaine 8′
Clairon 4′

Borstwerk (IV man.)
Gedekt 8′
Praestant 4
Blokfluit 4′
Nasard 2 2/3
Octaaf 2′
Gedekte fluit 2
Octaaf 1′
Tertiaan 2 st.
Scherp 4-5 st.
Regaal 16′
Kromhoorn 8′
Regaal 8′

Praestant 32′
Octaaf 16′
Open Subbas 16
Gedekte Quint 10 2/3′
Octaaf 8′
Gemshoorn 8′
Roerquint 5 1/3′
Octaaf 4′
Koppelfluit 4′
Nachthoorn 2′
Dwarsfluit 1′
Ruispijp 5 st.
Cornet 3 st.
Mixtuur 10 st.
Bazuin 32′
Bazuin 16′
Fagot 16′
Trompet 8′
Trompet 4′
Zink 2′

Chamadewerk (floating/III man.)
Trompeta Magna 16′ (descant)
Trompeta brillante 8′ (bas/descant)
Trompeta de batalla 8′ (bas/descant)
Clarin fuerte 4′ (bas/descant)
Clarin 2′ (bas)
Orlos 8′ (bass/descant)

Additional information :
Full quality installation:
The sample is presented in the Surround format, i.e. it has 4 stereo sound channels. If desired, you can set the Wet format by turning off all registers with the Rear label, or the Dry format (recommended for use with a reverb impulse), by turning off all registers with the Rear label and setting the Mono parameter for the remaining registers in the Memory channel format: field. The minimum Hauptwerk version for using the sample is 4.0.

RAM requirements:
for Surround version:
16-bit: approx. 23.5 GB
20-bit: approx. 38.5 GB
24-bit: approx. 45 GB

for Wet version:
16-bit: approx. 13 GB
20-bit: approx. 25 GB

for Dry version:
16-bit: approx. 6.7 GB
24-bit: approx. 12.6 GB

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