By | October 10, 2021


Publisher: Samples From Mars
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Classic Simmons Analog Toms, White Noise & Tuned Kicks
The Simmons SDS-800 is an 80’s analogue drum synthesizer, responsible for the sounds of cosmic synthesis (“beeww beeww”) used in countless discos, boogie and reggae. In the 90s, it began to re-popularize in the techno world, with a raw resonant white noise generator used for harsh hats and low power programming. More recently, Simmons’ percussive sounds have become a signature for punk funk bands such as LCD Soundsystem. All Simmons’ different brains differ in sound, and the SDS800 is no exception, it easily holds against the larger (and much more expensive) SDSV. The voices are a little tighter and faster, the resonance on the trap is capable of a wider range of sounds, and the second Tom skin is undemanding.
Recording process
We tracked 800 mostly raw to ensure maximum subtractive sculpting in your sampler or DAW of choice, only occasionally applying compression from 1776 to some bass drums. While recording most of the views on tape, we twisted (many) knobs in all types of trap combos, resulting in many variations in resonance, envelope, and filter settings. To create the β€œhi hats”, we included an additional (Moog) high pass filter. For the kick drum and toms, we took a more calculated approach – bass drum tuning groups (including digital, raw) with a guitar tuner. Each filename is tagged with its corresponding note number and you can create some amazing bass lines and analog melodies.
The toms have been recorded in groups, making them ideal for working with traditional toms. The various combinations include: noise, no noise, long roll-off, short roll-off, and a second skin – which sounds like some sort of ring modulation or frequency modulation, and is very cool. Results: 480 classic Simmons drum beats – bass drum, snare, toms and (ours) haha. Access to expansive organized single hits or instant jamming with eight ready-made 16 hit kits – varied kits featuring classic toms, white noise kits, grumpy FX kits, and chromatic bass kits.
At the end
SDS800 From Mars and the Simmons in general can make this classic synthesizer, but they are capable of SO much more. The hits seem great on their own, but when you start layering samples with other drum hits (based on eprom or samples) they really start to shine. If you ever have a faint sample that you like, try using these analog fattening hits and focus it. White Noise Layer To add depth, energy and beat to your existing trap, use an analogue under your existing bass drum. Or just the Loss of My Edge program and see how the checks go.

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