SampleHero – (Hand-Made) Pinewood Chimes (KONTAKT)

By | August 5, 2018


Publisher : SampleHero
Website : SampleHero
Format : KONTAKT 5.6.2+
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : Get a truly one-of-a-kind and completely UNIQUE sound virtual instrument! This is the only Chimes on earth (as far as we know …), completely made by hand from pine!
Deeply and elegantly sampled (hand-made) pine pine champagne, perfected with a stereo pair of microphones with a large Neumann diaphragm through the UTA preamplifier. Super cool and super unique!

• Create Your Own Gliss
• Tons Of Swipes / Low to High & High to Low
• Extra Long
• 3-Band EQ
• Reverb
• Unique!

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