Rob Papen – SubBoomBass2 v1.0.1b (VSTi, AAX, NKS) [Win x86 x64]

By | February 4, 2019


Year / Release Date : 12.2018
Version : v1.0.1b
Developer : Rob Papen
Developer site : Rob Papen
Format : VSTi, AAX, NKS
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : 32 & 64 bits VST and AAX for Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Compatible with NI NKS

Description : SubBoomBass 2 is the successor to the legendary SubBoomBass!
Its graphical interface has been redesigned to more easily manage all functions. SubBoomBass 2 still has its analog modeled waveforms, but the color of the sound has been expanded with new spectral waveforms, new creative high-quality samples and the added synthesis of strings!
You will understand that these new features generate modern, fresh and unheard of sounds! But there is also … X / Y screen, a new pattern mode for running 4 sequencers, and, as in Predator 2, it has an easy-to-use star and preset manager for banks, thanks to which you can quickly find and go to your favorite sounds immediately.



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