Rhythmic Robot – Jennings TASTER PACK (KONTAKT)

By | September 20, 2024


Manufacturer : Rhythmic Robot
Format : NCW, NKI, NKR
Quality : 16 bit Frequency: 44.1 kHz Channels: stereo
System requirements : Native Instruments – Kontakt 4.2.4 +

Jennings TASTER PACK – trial version of Jennings library .
Jennings is a virtual version of the Jennings Univox vacuum tube synthesizer, created in 1949.

Two oscillators with Detune and Osc Spread functions.
Multi-mode resonant filter. Has the following modes: 2 poles (12dB/octave) and 4 poles (24dB/octave), HP and LP.
Filter and amplitude envelopes.

Effects section: Chorus, Phaser, Delay, Rotary Speaker and speaker simulator.

Download links for Jennings TASTER PACK are not freely available, you must submit an application to the Rhythmic Robot administration .
Looking at the spoiler ” JENNINGS TASTER PACK ” , you can see the list of TASTER PAC restrictions . JENNINGS TASTER PACK

The Jennings Taster Pack contains six patches created with Jennings, our 1946-vintage valve synthesiser. The full version of Jennings gives you multi-mode filters, envelopes, over 2000 starting waves via 11 front-panel tabs, ‘Compliance Mode’, a full effects section, and much more. We’re hoping you’ll try the taster and then want the real thing!
The Taster Pack has a few controls to spice up those six starting points:
• Mod > Volume: turn this on, and your modulation wheel will control the volume of the patch. Great for tremolo wobbles, swells, fades etc.
• Mono or Poly – pretty self-explanatory, we hope!
• Tone: this engages a 4-pole low-pass filter, to give you some basic scope for tailoring the sound.
It also has a couple of limitations:
• The samples are 16-bit only. All our full instruments are 24-bit.
• Fewer samples. The main instrument is sampled chromatically, every key for 5 octaves… many, many times
• The samples are not looped. But, they are long: 16 to 20 seconds each. We do all our looping by hand so it’s seamless, and that takes time; again, on the main instrument, each of the hundreds of samples is hand-looped.
Watch out for more Taster Packs of our instruments coming soon!

Please note that all our instruments are compatible with Kontakt version 4.2.3 and later. Do check your version of Kontakt. (This instrument may work in the Kontakt Player, but will be time-limited, and we don’t guarantee it will function at all.)

You can use this instrument in your music freely, either for personal or commercial use; but you can’t sell or give the software away, distribute it without our permission, rip the samples from it and sell them or give them away, or any of that kind of thing. Common sense, really: don’t pirate us or we won’t be able to afford any more cool kit!

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