Reveal Sound – Spire 1.1.13, Spire 1.0.20 + 640 SoundBanks – NO INSTALL, SymLink Installer (VSTi, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | October 29, 2018


Year / Release Date: build – 12/27/2017, manufacturer – 12.2017
Version: Spire 1.1.13, Spire 1.0.20
Developer: Reveal Sound
Developer website:
Format: VSTi, AAX * (* AudioUTOPIA ProTools)
Digit capacity: x86, x64
Tabletka: Cured
System requirements: Windows 7 and higher.


Tabularly, the Spire wave synthesizer is:
– 4 tone generators (oscillators) (morphing, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, … up to 9 voices each in unison, 9 types of unison);
– 4 LFO (modulating oscillator);
– microdrift of tone generators and LFO (small frequency randomization, to get closer to “analog sound”).
– 4 envelope generator (envelopes);
– 2 steppers (stepper);
– 16 step arpeggiator;
– 2 filters with 12 different types of filtration;
– Huge combinatorial power of possible modulation matrix commutation (4 Macros, 4 envelopes, 4 LFOs with morphing waveforms, 15 modulation matrix slots, each with 2 sources and 4 targets);
– Effect processor (Shaper / Decimator, Phaser / Vowel, Chorus / Flanger, Delay, Reverb);
– Scalable interface (100%, 150%, 200%).
Spire 1.0.20 SoundBanks (314) (Army of Ninjas 01/11/16)
Spire 1.1.12 SoundBanks (640) (Army of Ninjas 10/27/17)


Although the long description follows, the gist is simple:
A) SAVING WORK, delete some folders, possibly remaining from previous installations;
B) run the command file for creating symlinks (Windows Junction Points) – SymLink Installer.cmd;
C) specify the path to scan the VST2 plug-ins in the DAW (C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins),
D) run DAW, scan for new plug-ins, launch them and (if required) register.



In this case, registration is not required.
If necessary, registration takes place by generating a licensed * .lic file using keygen
.. For information only R2R Spire_KeyGen.exe
* .lic opens in plugin: “MENU” -> “Register”
BANKS OF PRESETS, CONFIGURATION (spire2.cfg), LICENSE (comm_spire.lic)
C Users (Current User Name) AppData Roaming RevealSound
Banks can be placed in:
% USERPROFILE% AppData RevealSound Banks
then they will be common for x86 and x64 versions.



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Spire Synthesizer update to v1.1.13 (2017.12.25 23:00)
+ Improve stability
+ Add J8 Chorus Mode
+ Add Vowel Osc
+ Add Shaper filter type with 2 modes: Saturate, Foldback
+ Add click removal option
+ Add new factory presets


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