Realsamples – Real Drums Collection (KONTAKT)

By | May 19, 2023


Publisher: realsamples
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Restored version of the sampled drum kit library (Pearl™) with two snares (wood & brass), ride, and cymbals. The drums are sampled with 110 layers of velocity. The drums have also been recorded in alternating right and left hand versions, so you can create realistic patterns and drum rolls. In addition to the usual sticks, brushes and “Hot Rods” were used. The bass drum was recorded with left and right pedals. Recorded at 96 KHz/24-Bit quality, then dithered to 44.1 KHz/24-Bit.
Description in bourgeois: Real Drums Collection’ by Realsamples contains a Pearl™ drum set with two snare drums (wood & brass), ride, crash splash & cymbals. The drums have been sampled with up to 110 velocity layers.

Additionally, the drums were recorded in “Left Hand” and “Right Hand” versions, so you can program realistic fills and rolls. Pre-recorded rolls done by the drummer are included as well.
Apart from regular sticks, brushes and “Hot Rods” were utilised as well. The drum bass was recorded with both the left and right pedals.
All the mics of the drum kit were left open to add the acoustics of the recording room as well as the “mic bleed” of a normal drum recording situation. This way a natural drum sound was achieved.
Recorded in 96 KHz/24-Bit resolution, the signal was downsampled to 44.1 KHz/24-Bit The set includes ready-to-play Kontakt

The library recently appeared on the site and was immediately removed due to its inoperability. Apart from Kick (BD) other patches were “silent”. Therefore, all wav files were re-replaced and put in their places and patches were updated. Some parameters (release) were also changed (because of which the sound disappeared with the release of the keys)) obviously distorted by pests of the factory library. For faster loading and smaller size wav files have been converted to Kontakt’s native format. The release does not contain any other formats except nki and ncw.
From myself: As I mentioned above – since I don’t know how the factory bible settings look, I added the release parameter (see the 4th screen) for myself, because. it was catastrophically cut. Enemy settings completely killed the aftersound of iron and the resonance of toms. For a real “survivor” – I would generally recommend twisting it to the limit. But try to save the patch under a different name to stay in the distribution. Good luck!

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