Realitone – RealiDrums 2.0 (KONTAKT)

By | September 24, 2016



We believe that this is the biggest (and I dare say, with the best sound) collection of drums. 42 different snare drums, 7 different kicks, 11 hi hats, 24 Reid, 33 crash of plates and side-sticks and percussion elements. When we speak, 42 snare drums, we do not mean that they are obtained by mixing a few, we mean actually 42 different drums. And for each of them, we give you mix in the mode of the microphone in a close position to the “Beast” mode. So it’s really, you will be 4 x 42 = 168 small drums. Same with kicks, cymbals, and with all the other drums.FASTEST WORKING PROCESS
This means that you can find the sound that you want * quickly *. No painstaking tweaks and exaggeration of improper drum setup that he sounded the way you would like, trying to fix his sound. With RealiDrums just try a different drum. And then another. All quickly, without waiting for the download time. We even included the up / down buttons, as well as a switch for scrolling drum menu, so that you can click, until you get the drum with perfect tone for your project. You want to hear “Rock” a combination of a drum? Or how about “Room” mix? One touch of a button. Nothing can be faster and easier. We even created a “Rack” page (one rack space for each drum), so that you can see and easily modify each drum and a plate, all at once.

Personally, I hate MIDI loops that I should be heard one after the other. When I see advertising “thousands of MIDI drum files!”, I believe that it is bad. It just takes too much time, besides I never seem to not be able to find exactly what I’m looking for. Our process is completely different. First, you choose one of our bits. (Even though it is quick and easy, as we have up / down button and the key switch to make the scroll bits quick and easy). Once you have selected the start bit, you can change it to make “difficult” or “easy” (to the extreme in either direction), simply moving the “complexity sliders.” These sliders are independent, so you can do more hety “busy” and drawing Kicks simplify and maybe add a few (or complex) to the rhythm of volumes. We also have a master slider, if you want to set all the elements in one.



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