Production Master – Riddim Dubstep Weapons 2 (WAV, SERUM)

By | December 5, 2018


Publisher : Production Master
Website :
Format : WAV, SERUM
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Riddim Dubstep Weapons 2 ′ is a massive bank of real sound weaponry! If you manage to get your hands on it. You need to get out of it.
“Riddim Dubstep Weapons 2” brings you a war zone, a snappy percussion loops, a soul-stirring vocal shots and a hyped-up melodies, ty fer, br ares br br br br br filtered filtered fer fer fer fer fer fer me me me me me me me me me it can be physically and mentally handle it!
In this pack, you can’t have been able to create a pair of analogue synths (Waldorf Pulse, Waldorf Blofeld, Arturia Minibrute) and processed. Xfer Serum and others of automation. NI Maschine, TR909, we have also used quality drum machines and outboard gear for the hardest hitting, gritty, heavy-weight sounds!
50th Carrot, Midnight Tyrannosaurus, Badklaat, PhaseOne, Trollphace, Monxx, Phiso, Subfiltronik, Requake, P0gman, INFEKT multitude of music styles such as neurofunk dnb, trap, crossbreed and more infused appetite.
Get yourself locked & loaded, then step into an armageddon of destruction of Riddim Dubstep Weapons. A world of pure nastiness awaits!

40 Bass Loops
52 Bass One Shots
101 Drum & Percussion Loops
135 Drum & Percussion One Shots
30 FX Sounds
18 Melodic Loops
30 Vocal One Shots
102 Xfer Serum Presets

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