Prime Loops – Future Bass Elements (WAV, MASSIVE)

By | August 14, 2022


Publisher: Prime Loops
Website: Prime Loops
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Are you ready to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the bass of the future? We’ve got an audio time capsule loaded with some seriously futuristic frequencies perfect for your audio adventure! Future Bass Elements is the latest modern developer toolkit lovingly crafted by Prime Loops!
If you want to make a profound impact on the present, then the next generation collection of original and ultra-melodic audio components will definitely help you push the boundaries: 330MB+ of new and authentic samples and presets designed to work with any major DAW, Future Bass Elements contains all the tools you need to create amazingly fresh Future Bass hits from scratch.
Browsing through the 4 main folders: Drum Loops, Drum One Shots, FX & Risers and Synth Loops, you will find deep, warm basses, soft atmospheric sounds, calm moods and gentle vibes! And to make Future Bass Elements even more flexible, we even created a super collection of presets for MASSIVE!
Step into the unknown and see how the future will sound to you with Future Bass Elements!

Content :
52 x Synth & Bass Loops
20 x Massive Presets (nmsv)
36 x Drum & Perc Loops
13 x Drum Rolls
68 x Drum One Shots
27 x FX & Risers

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