Pluginguru – MegaMagic: Violin (OMNISPHERE)

By | November 1, 2019


Publisher : Pluginguru
Website : Pluginguru
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : 8 Inspiring Multi-Patch (meaning several samples on the keyboard) Violin Multis (including BONUS TRIO for cello, viola and violin!) And 168 patches, including more than 100 created by PlugInGuru GuruNation musicians to create patches, make this library MUST HAVE for everyone who has Omnisfera 2.5.

Requeriments you need to have v2.5 installed

Installation: Open Omnisphere -> Utility -> Install .omnisphere -> Select this file -> Finish

Additional Information

From Vibrato to Pizzicato to Motion Slow, Fast and Very Fast, from Composites where Cello, Viola and Violin were layered, mixed to make new samples to even including 2 extra special “Created by Nature” synth sounds that are part of a not-yet -released library.
I’ve never had this many people write demo tracks for a library – it’s SO AWESOME to hear each person take with the instruments and I’m pretty BLOWN AWAY with how realistic these sound considering the limit of only 8 samples max for a sound. Considering most sample libraries these days of violin come with over 20,000 samples, I’d say we got our mileage from the 8 samples we selected!

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