Plugin Alliance – Unfiltered Audio Indent 1.0.0 (AU, VST, VST3) [MacOSX x64]

By | February 25, 2019


Year of release : 2019
Version : 2.0.0
Developer : Plugin Alliance
Developer site : plugin-alliance
Platform : iNTEL
Format : AU, VST, VST3
Digit capacity : 64 bit
Interface language : English
Tablet : Replacement Files
System requirements : MacOS 10.9 through 10.14 Intel CPU only (minimum 2 GHz recommended)

Description : Indent is your manager of tracks with an electric guitar, bass, synthesizer and drums, delivering rich tones from fine sand to destructive overload. Choose from four different clippers – Hard Clip, Soft Clip, Wavefold and Overfold to add saturation with perfect color.
Then adjust the Cutoff and Resonance knobs of the analog lowpass filter to enhance the tone from oily-smooth to extreme. The Indent’s Mix controller mixes the ideal amount of dry and processed signals, allowing you to add just a hint of the saturation effect or get a full bypass. Using the simple and intuitive interface of Indent, creating overloaded guitars, growling bass and greasy and dirty drum tracks is a child’s play.
Once you get your killer tone, use Indent’s flagship modulation system to add both normal and advanced effects. Six different freely assignable and fully automated modulators can be connected to each control stick with ease of drag and drop. The classic tempo and wah-wow effects of tremolo are just the beginning of what you can create.
Modulate the input gain of the drum using the envelope so that its blows explode and the microphone shrinks – or reduce it to a fraction of a second. Modulate the slice and resonance using an LFO synchronized with the tempo so that rich guitar tracks pulsate and resonate to the tempo of your song. It is interesting to use distortion and modulation together in new ways to create new, attractive sounds.
From warm, rounded tones to modulated, overloaded chaos, Indent is your ticket to amazing sound tracks.


It sounds like a surprise for provoke.
Simple controls and intuitive visual interface help you saturate or mutilate tracks quickly and easily.
Choose one of four clipping algorithms-Hard Clip (digital), Soft Clip (analog emulation), Wavefold and Overfold-independently for Indent’s input and output stages.
Unfiltered Audio’s flagship modulation system, provides six freely assignable and fully automatable modulators (sine LFO, sawtooth / triangle LFO, square-wave LFO, input follower, sample-and-hold noise, and macro control knob), with drag-and-drop virtual patching to every control knob.
Analog-style low pass filter with variable resonance control.
Mix control provides parallel processing.
Display control signal at your sample level, guiding your control tweaks.

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