P5Audio – Acoustic RnB Guitar and Bass Loops (WAV, AIFF, REX)

By | April 15, 2023


Manufacturer: P5Audio
Website: www.p5audio.com/acoustic-rnb-guitar-and-bass-loops-p-253.php
Format: WAV, Apple Loop, REX
Quality: 16 bit Frequency 44.1 kHz Stereo channels

Description: Inspiring R&B acoustic guitar and bass loops from P5Audio.

Acoustic R&B Guitar Loops & Bass Loops Set
This P5Audio Acoustic R&B Guitar and Electric Bass loop sets are inspired by the tracks of some of today’s greatest R&B music artists and producers.
Acoustic guitar adds a sexy sound to RnB tracks like no other instrument. Designed for music producers, this one of kind collection provides hundreds of authentic live acoustic nylon and steel string guitar licks, along with accompanying live electric bass guitar licks, to give you the creative power to build your own acoustic R&B hits.
product features…

232 acoustic steel and nylon string guitar loops, electronic bass loops, and stereo mix files.
10 complete song sets including verses, choruses, bridges, pre-choruses and endings, for a total of 44 loop sets.
Each loop set contains between 2 to 4 acoustic guitar parts, with an accompanying bass line.
Variety of guitar and bass riff styles including strummend chords, licks, slides, arpeggios, trills, single notes and more.
Both nylon and steel string guitars to provide you with multiple timbres.
Our guitarist Aaron McLain has played for Dr. Dre, Marc Anthony and many other platinum artists.
Guitar and bass riffs inspired by hit artists such as Corrine Bailey Rae, Maxwell, India Arie, Ne yo, Erica Badu and more!
All tempos and key signatures are provided for each song set.
All 100% royalty free sounds.

Recorded using class A microphones, pre-amps, A/D converters, using world class guitars.
Compatible with all music software that accepts WAV files, Acid files, Rex fils and Apple Loops.
Product contains Guitar and Bass licks ONLY! NO OTHER SOUNDS ARE PROVIDED.

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