OwnHammer – Impulse Response Libraries – 412-GTR BOG-ST M-SB-75 V3-Mix (KEMPER, AXE-FX, WAV)

By | October 31, 2024


Publisher : OwnHammer
Website : ownhammer.com
Format : KIPR , SYX , WAV
Quality : 24 bit 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz mono

Description :
High-quality guitar impulses with sampling rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz

The Wav folder contains files in .wav format for use in any convolution reverb loader, be it DAW hosts or external hardware devices. These files are formatted in 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, and 96 kHz sample rates in mono and stereo (dual mono) channel options for greater compatibility potential.

In addition to the full 500 millisecond files are shorter 200 millisecond files located in the ..\Wav\Truncated directory. These will be useful for IR loaders that impose a sample length limit, and potentially help with CPU usage on less powerful systems or where track and instance counts are high.

For information concerning loading of these files into the host of your choice, please refer to their website or documentation.

Content :
1173 WAV files
69 kipr files
207 syx files

The 412-GTR BOG-ST is based on a Bogner Standard 4×12 cabinet.

The M-SB-75 is based on a 2010 16-ohm 75-Hz cone Scumback M75.

’57’ Based on a Shure SM57 dynamic microphone.
‘121’ Based on a Royer R121 ribbon microphone.
‘414’ Based on an AKG C414B-ULS condenser microphone.
‘421’ Based on a Telefunken MD421/5 dynamic microphone.

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