Origin Sound – Modern Lo-Fi – Classic Vinyl & Trap Drum (MIDI, WAV)

By | December 1, 2018


Publisher : Origin Sound
Website : www.sonicacademy.com
Format : MIDI, WAV
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Origin Sound proudly presents Modern Lo-Fi. If you’re expecting to receive a modern, aesthetic,
A pair of loops of light and a pair of hair loops for all interchangeable grooves. Additionally, there is a selection of 120 single drum shocks.
Modern Lo-Fi boasts a wonderful selection of melodic elements such as warm bass’, atmospheric guitars, vintage keys, and some of the versatile melodic stacks. For your life.
For example, it has been noted that it is necessary to ensure that it can be used to complete the process. .
If you are looking for music tracks, you can find out how to do it.

120 x Smooth drum hits
20 x Rolling drum loops (Full bounces and stem bounces)
30 x Additional percussion loops
25 x Warm bass Loops (including Midi files)
13 x Lush chord Loops (including Midi files)
24 x Melancholic melody Loops (including Midi files)
11 x Thick stack loops (+ aged & chopped edits)
31 x Characterful SFX
60 x Versatile musical one shots

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