Native Instruments – Maschine 2 Expansions (MASCHINE)

By | September 13, 2023


Publisher: Native Instruments
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Maschine 2 Expansions

List of Expansions
Amplified Funk
Astral Flutter
Black Arc
Cavern Floor
Crystal Daggers
Elastic Thump
Golden Kingdom
Headland Flow
Hexagon Highway
Lilac Glare
Molten Veil
Motor Impact
Neon Drive
Prismatic Bliss
Prospect Haze
Queensbridge Story
Radiant Horizon
Rising Crescent
Sierra Grove
Solar Breeze
Velvet Lounge

Additional Information :
Performance was tested on Maschine 2 v2.4.0 (R4769).
Performance – Hexagon Highway, Prismatic Bliss and Radiant Horizon have not been tested

Installation :
1. Install.
2. Activate.
1. During installation of Solar Breeze you will see an error

2. Click “OK” and continue
3. Upon completion of the installation, go to the directory where you installed the library
4. And along the path (Solar Breeze Library\Samples\One Shots\Vocal) copy/move the “Vox Time.wav” file from the R2R folder

5. Open the bank in the car and check all projects for operability (as far as I remember, at least 2 projects will request the location of the “Vox Time.wav” file)


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