MAGIX – Samplitude Pro X7 Suite [WiN x64 x86]

By | May 31, 2023


Year/Date of Issue: 09.03.2023
Developer: MAGIX
Developer site: MAGIX
Bit depth: 64bit
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian separately)
Tabletka: present
System requirements:

Processor: 2 GHz
RAM: 4 GB (64-bit)
Graphics Card: Built-in graphics card supporting min. 1280×1024
Hard disk: 4 GB for installation,
Sound Card: Integrated

Description : Samplitude Pro X provides recording and mixing engineers with practical features that will revolutionize the standard DAW workflow. Edit in real time while recording. Apply the effects of your choice to individual clips. Visualize volume, frequency, and phase information for selected tracks. Use batch processing to automatically edit multiple files at the same time.

New in Samplitude Pro X7:
■ Improved transition editor. The new transition editor allows you to edit the mutual transitions between objects in great detail, even using only the keyboard.
■ Redesigned track editor. The track editor has been made more intuitive, with essential elements for aux sends, track effects, and automation now all in one section.
■ Single export window. The File > Export… menu commands for exporting to various audio formats and the Advanced export window and track mixing are combined in a new window.
■ Redesigned mixer that supports window docking. Now the mixer can be pinned. Its elements adapt to the new space automatically.
■ Plug-in for connecting hardware effects. External hardware effects are now conveniently integrated into the project using a special plug-in.
■ MIDI plug-ins. MIDI plug-ins such as sequencers, arpeggiators, or chord utilities can now be used along with virtual instruments on a track.
■ The Plugin Browser supports window docking. Now a simplified version of the Plugin Browser can always be kept open as a docked window. From it you can drag and drop effects onto tracks and objects.
■ Select input for rendering. The input signal to be displayed on the visualization can now be selected directly from the context menu of the visualization.
■ PreSonus FaderPort support. Samplitude now supports PreSonus FaderPort V2 and higher controllers out of the box (FaderPortV2, FaderPortV2 8, FaderPortV2 16). For details, open the “PreSonus FaderPort Support in Samplitude EN.pdf” document in the program folder.
■ Support Softtube Console 1.

What’s new in version :
03/09/2023 Samplitude Pro X7 18.2.2 Build 22564
• Export window
• SEQ-7028 “Export destination: Specify folder later” remembers the last folder in the current session
• SEQ-7503 When exporting objects, the wav extension was inserted incorrectly – fixed
• SEQ-7030 Wrong appearance of the time range field – fixed
• SEQ-6953 Pressing space in filename field started playback – fixed
• SEQ-7511 Export window could be closed while child windows were open, causing crashes – fixed
• SEQ-6821 “Zoom by Selected Tracks”
• Returned the only team
• Added toolbar button
• SEQ-7331 Improvements in the function of sending analytical data to MAGIX
• Improved analysis of data on program failures
• Windows 11 compatibility improvements
• Bug fixes
• SEQ-7509 Duplicates menu was missing in object context menu — fixed
• SEQ-7509 Take change menu did not work correctly in projects with many takes – fixed
• SEQ-7460 Curve generator did not work in the selected automation lane – fixed
• SEQ-7462 Some translations were missing, there were errors in the text – fixed
• SEQ-6954 Roland Cloud VST crashes – fixed
• SEQ-4589 Program crash when cutting and pasting in object manager – fixed
• SEQ-7515 Hardware effects: latency detection affected other open plugins – fixed
• SEQ-7008 MIDI Object Editor
• The flag “Follow the tempo of the music” was not transferred to the rest of the selected objects – fixed
• Disabling controllers, disabling SysEx and other settings were not returned after loading the project – fixed
• SEQ-7471 Screen view settings: “Group colors” setting worked only in German localization of the program – fixed
• SEQ-7532 Independent playback on edit: playback restarted when region was shift-clicked – fixed
• SEQ-6739 “&” symbol was underlined in marker or project name in some places – fixed
• SEQ-7464 Frequent program crashes due to user panels – fixed
• SEQ-7362 Closing the FaderPort controller help window with the Cancel button opened the help every time – fixed
• SEQ-7584 Poor percussion transient detection – fixed
• SEQ-7583 Wrong mixer track number after rearranging track – fixed
• SEQ-7572 Coloring AUX sends according to AUX bus color did not work – fixed
• SEQ-7574 Graphics error when hovering over the top of the selected mixer track – fixed
• SEQ-7466 VST3 instruments with multiple outputs did not work – fixed
• SEQ-7568 Routing issues when moving multiple tracks at the same time – fixed
• SEQ-7436 Duplicate undo steps when adding tires – fixed
• SEQ-7571 Could not detect SOUND FORGE Pro Suite in 3rd party editor window – fixed
• SEQ-7595 Removed unnecessary checkbox “Allow override for plug-in settings”, which worked only for DirectX plug-ins
• SEQ-7605 Mute and solo link for surround tracks did not work – fixed

Installation :
1. Install the program (Setup.exe)
2. Install the update (Update.exe)
3. Copy and replace the contents of the Crack folder (“Protein” folder and the “Sam_x64.exe” file to the folder with the installed program
Block with firewall.
4. Optionally install crack.

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