Cassetto Highlights:
- 2 Oscillators with both multi-sampled cassette sampled sound and single cycle Waveforms.
- Noise Oscillator sampled from Tape.
- Unstable for warbling the oscillator pitch.
- Dual Filters with a large choice of filter types.
- Parallel Filters or One for each Oscillator.
- 2 LFOs with selectable Waveforms, LFO1 resets on note, LFO2 is free running.
- Random LFO of the Filter.
- Filter Envelope for the Cutoff, Pitch and Optional Volume of Oscillator 2.
- VCA Envelope for Volume Control.
- Reverb with 50 Impulse Responses.
- Delay.
- Modulator with a choice from Chorus, Flanger or Phaser.
- Arpeggiator with Sequencers for various parameters.
- Preset Browser with the ability to save presets.
- Global Randomizer and Default, with the ability to save you own Default preset.
- Section Default and Randomizer buttons.
- over 200 Presets (with more to come).
Cassetto updated to v1.3.1:
Added Filter Swap Button which exchanges the settings of the filters
Added Buttons to assign LFO→Volume amounts to pitch instead
Sequencer Lights now switch off when no notes are playing
Added LFO Sync Mode
Added Advanced Panel with extra controls for FX
Added LFO3 with destinations for Resonance 1 & 2, Filter 1 & 2 and LFO1 Frequency
Added ENV3 with destinations for Resonance 1 & 2, Filter 1 & 2, LFO1 Frequency and LFO3 Level.
No Purge Option added (‘P’ next to ‘D’ in the master section
Oscillator Waves now have a randomizer each
Improved delay contamination when changing presets
Some sliders can now have negative values so that 0 is the centre, a black mark at the centre of the scale shows this.
Changes in Cassetto v1.3 :
– Improved the Visibility of the Information Panel.
– Length Mode for the ARP Chord Modes that only triggers new notes if they are not already playing, using the length slider can create some interesting rhythmic
results, and can be automated.
– 3 Root Modes for the ARP where the Root note decides the Key and Scale that all other Notes pass through.
– “High & CHORD ARP” Mode Added – Lowest Note plays the Pitch Sequence, other notes play without Pitch sequencer.
– “Low & CHORD ARP” Mode Added – Lowest Note plays the Pitch Sequence, other notes play without Pitch sequencer.
– Scale Re-mapper added to to the ARP Pitch output.
– Each Sequencer now has a Repeat Button which will cause each step to repeat x times before moving on. The Repeat Time is set by the Repeat Slider which previously only affected Pitch.
– Added Modulation Sequencers to the ARP for Filter 1 & 2, Resonance 1 & 2, Filter Decay and Volume Release.
– Percentage Knob for controlling the overall level of the Modulation Sequencers.
– Sustain Pedal Now works as expected when the ARP is disabled.
– Added 22 Custom LFO Shapes.
– 12 Multi Waveforms using multiple single cycles added to the Waveform Selections.
– Panel Selection is now sticky and can be saved by Saving the Cassetto nki.
* Fixed a bug where negative Keyboard ? Filter didn’t invert.
* Fixed a bug where the display flickered occasionally.
* Fixed a bug where the ARP length when extreme could cause polyphony runaway.