Hollywood Edge – 3DSFX Series (WAV)

By | January 5, 2024


Developer: The Hollywood Edge
Platform: any
Interface language: English only
Tablet: Not required

Description: As you know, we scour the world of professional sound for the effects collections that a serious sound designer can’t do without. We see and listen to hundreds of hours of DAT every year, this along with what we record for the films that we do the post on. Sometimes we discover a collection already put together that we want to own to use on our films, one that we have to have. When we can make them available to our customers, so much the better. Here’s one we think you’ll like…
We are pleased to offer you the 3DSFX, an inspired 6 CD collection that covers a remarkable range of “missing link” sound effects. You won’t find the vast majority of 3DSFX sound effects anywhere else. At first it may seem like an odd mix of effects, until you realize that they fill out your current sound archives with subtleties that are currently absent.
Disc One contains the hottest Modern Train sound effects on the planet (foreign and domestic). It also includes train station ambiences, clean and unique.
Disc Two brings you Vintage Train Effects – steam engine trains, diesel trains, idles, couplings — you name it. Unless you have access to a time machine, you won’t hear the old trains like they really sound unless you check out this disc.
Disc Three is entitled Nautical Vessels and it is stuffed to the gills. The harder it is to record, the more likely it is that you will find it here. Submarines, sailing ships, row boats, hovercrafts, fans, horns, engine rooms, and more.
Disc Four includes Nautical Atmospheres as clear as they come — water laps, waves of every known variety,. washes. If you ever do anything demanding coastal or on the beach sounds, this is a must-have.
Disc Five, Rivers and Waterfalls, means you will never have to record another no-nonsense natural water sound (one that doesn’t sound like a sink faucet) again. The 3DSFX collection rounds out with…
Disc Six, English and Foreign Crowds (I said it was an eclectic collection). A good variety of nationalities are represented here in many different crowd situations: from boxing and barbecue crowds to Afghan and German crowds — we’ve already used the Crowds disc in the new Jackie Chan movie.

Add. information: Collection of sounds and effects from Hollywood Edge – 3dsfx
Disk1 – modern trains
Disk2 – trains
Disc3 – water and underwater technology
Disc4 – water, waves, splashes…
Disc5 – water effects
Disc6 – crowd, people

wav format – 44100Hz – 16bit

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