Harrison – Mixbus + Mixbus 32C 4.3.19 [macOSX x86 x64]

By | July 11, 2018


Year of manufacture : 2018
Version : 4.3.19
Developer : Harrison
Developer’s site : HarrisonConsoles
Platform : iNTEL
Format : 32 64 bit
Language : English
Tablet : Keigen
System requirements : 64 bit (for Intel Mac computers running 10.6.8 or newer)
32 bit (for Intel Mac computers running 10.6.8)

Description : Harrison Mixbus 4 – is a full-featured Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) with “True Analog Mixing” ™: A combination of the world-famous Harrison sound (talking about a mixing console).
Mixbus ™ is the solution for sound engineers who need a world-class sound system for recording, editing and mixing
Harison’s consoles are known for their perfectly sounding Equalizers, Filters, Dynamic processing. Now Mixbus offers each engineer a real Harrison Console. With the MixBus logical interface, the user works in a traditional analogue recording studio while maintaining the convenience of the DAW. MixBus allows the user to record, edit and mix a piece of music and receive the sound of the Golden Age of recording albums.
Harrison Mixbus32C is an independent product and is not tied to the DAW Mixbus. The Mixbus32C plug-in is a digitized version of the Harrison 32C analog console.
“Each Mixbus32C channel emulates the channels of the Harrison 32C mixer as accurately as possible. The digital version of the Mixbus32C has exactly the same capabilities as the 32C: a parametric four-band equalizer that can work independently on each channel, the filter section and much more. We reconstructed each resistor, capacitor and transistor in program form. Now everyone has the opportunity to work together with audio, and Mixbus32C allows you to use “mixer in the mixer”, that is, use another console within your workstation. Representing something like that five years ago was not even possible! “- said in a statement of the manager of Harrison Ben Loftis.
Among other interesting features of the program is worth mentioning 12 stereoshes with individual adjustment of volume levels, as well as the presence of saturation, compression of the bus and other effects.


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