FabFilter – Total bundle 2019.02.19 (VST, VST3, AU) [MacOSX]

By | March 16, 2019


Year of manufacture : 02.2019
Version : 2019.02.19
Developer : FabFilter
Developer website : FabFilter
Platform : iNTEL
Format : VST, VST3, AU
Interface language : English
Tablet : Patched files for replacement + kijen
System requirements : OS X 10.8 or higher Intel processor

Description : Total Bundle is a collection of all FabFilter plugins. With this kit you get our professional EQ, reverb, compressor, multiband dynamics, limiter, de-esser and gate / expander, creative multi-band distortion, delays, filters and synthesizers.
FabFilter Pro-L 2, the main update of the Pro-L plugin, is now available.
Thanks to four new algorithms, a new peak limit mode, a loudness standard, support for surround sound and many other new features, the Pro-L 2 has been improved in every way, while remaining the benchmark of simplicity and efficiency

List of plugins:

* FabFilter Micro – v1.19
* FabFilter One – v3.30
* FabFilter Pro-C 2 – v2.07
* FabFilter Pro-DS – v1.11
* FabFilter Pro-G – v1.21
* FabFilter Pro-L 2 – v2.02
* FabFilter Pro-MB – v1.18
* FabFilter Pro-Q 3 – v3.10
* FabFilter Pro-R – v1.05
* FabFilter Saturn – v1.19
* FabFilter Simplon – v1.29
* FabFilter Timeless 2 – v2.29
* FabFilter Twin 2 – v2.29
* FabFilter Volcano – v2.29

New in version”

All plug-ins updated, added-side chain-triggering to Pro-Q 3
Feb 21, 2019
We have just released the plug-ins for all FabFilter plug-ins, containing various bug fixes and improvements. The update is free for existing customers. So what’s new in this update?
Pro-Q 3 :
Added optional external side chain triggering to EQ bands. Click here for the first time button. Click the button to enable or disable triggering.
Non-automatable parameters to prevent automation from changing the latency during playback. In addition, all interface-only parameters such as the analyzer settings are now also non-automatable.
Higher order dynamic filtering.
It is now possible to disable solo bands again, like in Pro-Q 2.
This is a bug that can be prevented from overlapping existing automation.
This is a bug that has been fixed.
Ableton Live 10 on MacOS 10.13.
If you’re adding new bands.
It is impossible to enter the spectrum grab mode.
Fixed a crash when there is no “stereo” yellow result for the display (for example, if there are only Mid bands).
All plug-ins :
Updated MacOS 10.14 (Mojave), such as Logic Pro 10.4.4, running under macOS 10.14.0 or 10.14.1. Previously this could lead to an all-black plugin interface.
If you are not a plug-in, you’ll not be able to get it.
Added support for 300% scaling on 8k displays (High DPI) on Windows.
Cubic 10 or Live 10 on the screen for high resolution displays in combination.
If you’re on the presets menu, you’ll find out what to do.
FabFilter plug-in instances.
Pro-C 2, Pro-G: Added:
Pro-C 2: Pro-G: It is a condition that has been enabled.
Pro-DS, Pro-L 2, Pro-MB: Added:
Pro-L 2: Improved Pro Tools page table mapping for control surfaces.
This is the number of volcano 2s that have been recorded.
Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

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