FabFilter – Pro-Q 2 v2.15 – R2R (VST, VST3, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | April 24, 2019


Year / release date : 7.3.2019
Version : 2.15
Developer : FabFilter
Developer website : FabFilter
Format : VST / VST3 / AAX
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System Requirements :
64-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista
32-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP

Description : FabFilter has announced the release of FabFilter Pro-Q 2, a major update to the Pro-Q equalizer plugin. New features, such as full-screen mode, unique processing in the natural phase, automatic amplification, spectral capture, interaction with Gain-Q gain and tilt support for all filter types, make Pro-Q 2 better than its predecessor, in all respects, remaining true to the original vision. Combining high quality sound with unsurpassed interface workflow.

Key feature|:

Natural phase mode for accurate matching of the amplitude-frequency response of an analog equalizer, as well as accurate matching of the analog-phase response without a noticeable pre-call or high delay
Full-screen mode for ultra-precise settings.
Spectral capture: just immediately capture and adjust the peak in the spectrum analyzer in real time.
Universal tilt support for all types of filters, for example, allowing users to create ultra-narrow bell filters or very steep shelves. (The slope is now maintained up to 96 dB / Oct., Including 18, 30, 36 and 72 dB / Oct.).
Significantly improved linear phase mode, providing better amplitude response and smooth changes without lightning effects.
New types of equalizer filters: Tilt Shelf and Band Pass, in addition to the existing Bell, High / Low Cut, High / Low Shelf and Notch filters.
The Gain-Q interaction option: when enabled, Q and Gain affect each other in a pleasant way, often found in analog mixing consoles.
EQ Match function to automatically match the spectrum of another track through the side-chain input.
Auto Gain automatically adjusts the output gain to compensate for the loss or increase in audible gain introduced by the active equalizer bands.
Advanced spectrum analyzer with adjustable range, slope, freeze frame and horizontal scaling.
Additional piano.
Flexible interface resizing.
Full power level meter.
Phase inversion option.
Significantly improved processor optimization: Pro-Q 2 uses less memory and is more than twice as efficient as its predecessor.
Improved comparison of analog values ​​in zero-delay mode.

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