Evolution Series – World Strings Oud (KONTAKT)

By | September 15, 2019


Publisher : Evolution Series
Website : evolutionseries
Format : KONTAKT | PLAYER 5+
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description : We are very proud to present our second World Strings tool – “Oud” – a creative collaboration between Kim Cunio and the Evolution Series.
World Strings Oud, created for Kontakt 5, has a simple but intuitive interface. Our cutting-edge scripting techniques help you fully control the powerful and sensual Oud sound. Kim’s deep knowledge of world music, his musical technique and unique playing style have enabled us to create an exclusive and inspiring virtual game experience.
This high-quality and beautiful Oud instrument can best be described as having a wonderful warm, full, but accurate tone. Recording his sounds at the stage of scoring using high-quality microphones gives the sound palette an amazing three-dimensional sound dimension.


Recorded Playing Techniques
Sustain (no vibrato)
Sustain (with vibrato)
Body percussion
Hammer on / pull off
Slow and fast portamento slides
All samples at 48khz 24bit
A Goliath 118 gigabyte virtual instrument reduced to 38 gigabyte’s via Native Instruments Compression
Multiple velocities and round robin
Up to 4 user-controllable microphone positions
Recorded at a world class orchestral scoring stage
The most beautiful and unique sounding instrument
NKS Support
Works with the free contact player 5 and up

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