East West Quantum Leap – RA (KONTAKT) REPACK

By | January 21, 2016


Ra features a 14 GB collection of beautifully recorded plucked, blown, bowed, and struck instruments from around the world. Quantum Leap RA provides composers with access to a variety of rare and unique instruments from Africa, Europe, India, the Americas and Australia, the Far East, and the Middle East and Turkish Empires. Ra is also an 8-part multitimbral instrument (in Native Instruments’ Kompakt Instrument format) that works by itself or with AU, DXi, RTAS, and VST hosts.

World Class
Sounds are grouped geographically and by general instrument type, such as Bowed, Perc, Plucked, or Wind. If a particular instrument classification has more than one instrument, you’ll find a subcategory for it. For example, selecting India and navigating to the Bowed category opens a subdirectory for baritone violin, esraj, and sarangi. Furthermore, each of these subcategories may hold multiple versions of the instrument that are tailored for different performance techniques, such as key switching or Velocity crossfading. Because of the nested submenus, it can be awkward to navigate to the instrument you need. Native Instruments should implement scroll buttons to aid in selecting samples.


African Dual Wooden Shakers (Ewe), African Metal Shakers (Ewe), Atsimevu, Axatse, Batas, Berkete, Dejembe Ensemble, Ekpiri, Ewe Drum Ensemble, Ewe Large Bombshell, Ewe Medium Bombshell, 3ft FromTonFrom, 5ft FromTonFrom, Gankokwe Large, Gyil, Kalimbas, Kidi, Kora, Log Drums, Ngoni, Udu
1890 Washburn Guitar, American Jaw Harp, Banjo, Berimbau, Cuban Percussion, Didjeridoo, Dobro, First Nations Cedar Flute, Mandolin, Pan Flute, Ukelele
Alpenhorn, Bag Pipe Ensemble, Bass Recorder, Frame Drum, Gadulka, Hardanger Fiddle, Highland Pipes, Hurdy Gurdy, Irish Low Whistle, Launeddas, Uilleann Pipes
Dizi, Erhu, Gamelan Ensemble, Gongs, Koto, Rag Dung, Shakuhachi, Shamisen, Taiko Drums, Vietnamese Jawharp
Bansuri, Baritone Violin (Electric), Esraj, Sarangi, Sitar, Tablas, Tambura
Armenian Duduk, Bulgarian Duduk, Mid East Fiddle, Mid East String Section, Ney Flute, Oud, Qandahar Dumbek, Santoor, Turkish, Duduk, Yalli Tambur, Zourna



Details (by Nick Phoenix – Producer)
In ancient Egypt, RA was regarded as the creator of everything, the god of the sun. RA is usually represented with the body of a man and the head of a hawk, holding an ankh & sceptre. The chief location of RA worship was Heliopolis (a Greek word meaning city of the sun). RA is an appropriate name for the largest, and most comprehensive rare and ethnic virtual instrument ever made.

RA was born a few years ago, as a sample library called “Rare Instruments.” All of the sounds from Rare Instruments are included in RA, but this only represents approximately one-tenth of the content. The other ninety percent of RA was recorded at Ocean Way studios in Hollywood. Because of the size and complexity of the project, I brought in two talented producers, Pacemaker and Tony Austin to co-produce RA with me. They have worked on some other Quantum Leap projects and had some great ideas for RA. We spent time hunting down the best ethnic artists on the West Coast. Los Angeles is so ethnically diverse and blessed with excellent institutions like Cal Arts, it is actually the ideal place to record a rare and ethnic collection.

You will find RA has amazing sound quality. This is the famous Ocean Way sound: an amazing collection of vintage mics and a custom API console. RA was captured with a phase accurate 8-mic setup that gives a complete 3 dimensional image of the instrument. It is this type of sound that takes to artificial or sampled reverb extremely well. The sound is clear and broad. Mics used were Neumann U67 (U47s as alternates), Neuman M50, AKG C12 and Shoepps.

Another cool aspect of this virtual instrument is the fact that we recorded ethnic ensembles. This was done with African drums, bagpipes, gamelan and a Middle Eastern string section. The sound of these ensembles cannot be realistically simulated by layering solo instruments.

RA was a very expensive project, but well worth the cost. A lot of thought went into selecting instruments that would appeal to composers of all types, from dance music, to film. You might want to put the middle eastern string section in your next pop tune, or the hardanger fiddle in a sweeping romantic score ala LOTR.

You might also be surprised at how little percussion is included in this giant ethnic collection. The reason is, we already covered much of this in Quantum Leap Stormdrum. Stormdrum is the ideal companion to RA. The percussion in RA compliments Stormdrum perfectly.

You can have a lot of fun with RA. The possibilities are simply endless, especially when you mix the sounds of different cultures together. Load up the middle eastern string section, apply an Indian or Egyptian tuning from the micro-tuning presets and play octaves. Make a really cool groove with the didgeridoo fx and the Vietnamese jaw harp. Take a classical filmscore piece and replace all of the instruments with their ethnic counterparts: strings with middle eastern string section, solo violin or cello with electric baritone violin, hardanger fiddle or erhu, french horn with alpenhorn, flute with dizi, oboe with duduk, percussion with taikos and African percussion, harp with kora, trombones with rag dung etc. etc…. Or perhaps try the hurdy gurdy, hardanger fiddle, washburn guitar, mandolin and the dizi and make an interesting folk ensemble or the gamelan ensemble with the ney flute, duduk and esraj. And don’t forget the reverb!

Additional information

  • 1. Samples libraries converted to the format of NCW, and packed into containers NKX.
  • 2. Patch NKI grafted into the script – library Ethno World 5 Instruments, as amended
  • 3. Libraries are contains files to add to the Library.
  • 4. Restructured folders Instruments

System Requirements

  • – Minimum Requirements for Mac: G5 1.6GHz, 2GB of free RAM, Mac OS 10.4 or newer
  • – Recommended Mac System: Mac Pro Quad-Core Xeon 2.5GHz, 4GB RAM
  • – Minimum Requirements for PC: Pentium 4 3.0GHz, 2GB of free RAM, Windows XP SP2, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 sound card with ASIO drivers
  • – Recommended PC System: Intel or AMD Quad Core 2.0GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit OS and host


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52 thoughts on “East West Quantum Leap – RA (KONTAKT) REPACK

  1. o.p.

    how do i download the torrent? i don’t see any link to download.

  2. kornelius

    there is a problem, library have been added but while loading any instrument says that ” your new lirary needs to be added before this inst can be used. plese go to kontakts tab lib and add the lirary” so the library is added but inst do not load. 🙁

  3. William

    I am having the same issue as Kornelius. Added library in Kontakt v5.5.2. Kontakt interface shows EWQL RA and all instruments and samples, but keep getting “library needs to be added before this instrument can be used” error when loading instruments. 🙁
    Also, manual says 14gb library but is actually only 8.8gb. 🙁

    1. Admin Post author

      this library converted in NCW format and packed in containers NKI.
      You need Patch NKI from Ethno World 5 Instruments libraries first, This library will work only if the Ethno World 5 Instruments installed in library.

      If you have previously installed a library East West Quantum Leap – RA, remove it from the root, including registry entries.

      1. Add the library Ethno World 5 Instruments in the Library list

      2. Add in the Library list – EWQL RA. If it says “no library found” You can select “btch convert” to solve all missing sample problems at once:, select the folder and when it says: can’t find samples, check “look for alternative filetypes” and select the folder with the samples. Then it will resave all nki’s with the right locations

      1. William

        This is really strange. I just selected EW5 to download as an alternative to RA, right before I came here to check on a response to my post. I’m surprised how quickly this response was. Thank you. I didn’t know I needed EW5 in order for RA to work. I did remove the old version of RA with 3rd party uninstaller (Geek Uninstaller) that is supposed to remove all the leftover registry entries, but I’m not sure how I would verify that all entries have been removed. Anyway, I will follow your instructions and post back later today, or the latest by tomorrow. Thanks again for your help. 🙂 🙂 It is very much appreciated.

        BTW, how long has this site been up? I happened upon this site the other day, but I don’t recall ever coming across this one before.

      2. William

        Well, you were spot on. Once I added EW5 to my library, I removed RA from K5 and added it once again and, RA is now loading instruments. I really do appreciate your help resolving this issue. 🙂

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