Detunized – Polite 800 LIVE (ALP)

By | September 6, 2024


Publisher : Detunized
Website : Detunized
Format : ALP
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : Polite 800 introduces another famous eighties synthesizer: the Korg Poly 800. This little light weight plastic thing was supposed to be a performance synthesizer, since it can run on batteries, has guitar strap pegs and inverted key colors. On the other hand, programming this thing is not really true performance, because like most budget synths of this time the Poly 800 has to be conquered with nothing more than a number block plus up and down buttons.

The Live pack contains 35 instruments that perfectly capture the spirit of this classic hybrid. The Racks / Combinators have a standardized macro layout that is easy to get familiar with. So hot swapping through the included Basses, Keys, Pads, Brass and FX sounds is absolutely painless. However, all macros are controls connected to more than 20 parameters for each instrument, which invites comfortable plucking of deep sounds.

Live Pack
requires Live 8.4 / 9 / 10
35 Instruments Racks, 544 Samples, 300 MB

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