Cockos – REAPER 5.973 [Win x86 x64]

By | March 26, 2019


Year / Release Date : 03.2019
Version : 5.973
Developer : Cockos
Developer site : Cockos
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Interface language : English, Russian
Tabletka : present
System requirements : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Description : Cockos Reaper is one of the most advanced programs for creating music, both in the studio and at home. The main feature of the program is that it has pattern, keyboard and audio editing. You can set an unlimited number of audio or midi tracks, not counting how many virtual instruments of VST format can be added.
Reaper takes not so much space on the hard disk and does not load the processor, as programs from the FL Studio, Cubase, Reason or Sonar series. With this program you can work even on low-power computers with sound cards that do not support Full duplex operating modes. Although, if the soundcard supports this mode, you will get unlimited opportunities to create your own compositions with professional sound even in formats such as 5 + 1, and if there are additional plug-ins, and 7 + 1.
The great advantage of the program is that it supports VST / VST3, not counting support for DirectX plug-ins. You can use both built-in audio editing or midi tracks, and third-party plug-ins. The program also supports the connection of virtual tools ReWire. Thanks to the harmonious interface, you can always see what you are editing at the moment. A virtual multichannel remote control is always in front of your eyes – with its help you can instantly perform operations with changing the volume, editing effects on both a single track, and on the Master track.

New in version:

Audio Units: fix plug-in compatibility issue in 5.97 •
Audio Units: report recording state if requested
Continuous scrolling: improve item button hit testing
Folder tracks:
IDEs: do not blink focus
JSFX: fix potential crash when loading .wav files •
Marquee zoom:
Media explorer: fix wins for media when ‘start on bar’ is set •
Normalization: Improve your calculation with high depth depth media •
Performance: fix UI lag introduced in 5.972 •
Project bay: fix up column left / right / center justification •
ReaScript: fix TrackEnvelope validation •
Render: Correctly update tail button
Takes (pre-5.965 behavior) •

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