Cinematique Instruments – Banjo 3 (KONTAKT)

By | March 14, 2025


Publisher: Cinematique Instruments
Format: Kontakt (5.8.1+), Kontakt Player
Quality: Mono 44.1 kHz 24 bit

Description: BanjoA banjo is typically a stringed instrument with four or five strings, a long neck, a round body similar to a drum, and a soundboard in the form of a plastic membrane. Its unique sound is achieved by the vibration of the membrane when the strings are plucked with fingers or a plectrum. Banjo is usually associated with country, folk, classical music, Irish traditional music and bluegrass.

We used a 5-string banjo with a mahogany body of 33 cm in diameter. We played and recorded in various ways to achieve the typical banjo sound. In each of them, several layers of velocity and 2 circle repeats. After editing and processing the samples, we created a patch that features different banjo styles, a short note function, an octaver, a reverb control, and improved scripts. We also added banjo noises to this patch. The result is a very realistic and organic instrument. In 2015, we updated the banjo and combined all the individual patches into one comprehensive patch with a new graphical interface. In 2022, we recorded two new articulations on a new instrument to significantly improve on the previous version. Now you have a complex and expressive Banjo 3 instrument that can reproduce both familiar bluegrass sounds and impressive scenes from movie soundtracks. Finally, we’ve added effects and editing capabilities, an arpeggiator and a step sequencer in a new, more intuitive graphical interface.

Features :
• Around 200 samples
• Realistic sound
• New articulations, strumming and arpeggiator

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