Cinematique Instruments – Banjo 2 (KONTAKT)

By | July 30, 2023


Publisher: Cinematique Instruments
Quality: 16 bit 44.1 kHz mono

Description: A banjo sound library from Cinematique Instruments. It is included in large libraries, but rarely comes across separately. Contact 4 and above.

Additional Information :
The Instrument
The banjo is a stringed instrument with, typically, four or five strings, a long fretted neck and a circular drumlike body overlaid with parchment – today drumheads. Its unique sound comes from vibrating the membrane of the body by plucking the strings with the fingers or a plectrum. The banjo is usually associated with country, folk, classical music, Irish traditional music and bluegrass music.

The content
The banjo we used is a 5 String Banjo with a 33 cm diameter mahogany body. We played and recorded the banjo in a number of ways to get the typical banjo sound – each in several velocity layers and 2 Round Robin variations. After editing and processing the samples we created a banjo patch which provides various styles of the Banjo, shorten notes feature, an octaver, a reverb knob and enhanced scripting. We also added the noises of strumming the banjo to this patch. As a result we came out with a very realistic and organic sounding Banjo.
Update:In 2015 we updated the Banjo and put together all separate patches into one complex patch covered by a brand new GUI. It is now possible to play all different articulations in one patch.

The package
The Banjo 2 comes along in one complex patch with all articulations (approx. data size is 60 MB). For more details please read the reference manual. In order to use the Banjo 2 without restrictions Kontakt 4 full version is required

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